(PGA) Maturity Models and Roadmaps

Maturity Model

We could structure the "Learning to Learn" domain as a maturity model, where learners generally begin in an unaware or ad hoc mode and progress (we hope) to not only understand their learning style but independently monitor and improve it. For each stage of maturity there might be a set of activities or resources that would help the person progress. Some of these activities might involve teachers, parents, etc. Here's a possible set of stages:

  • Level 0: Ad hoc learning; reactive, chaotic
  • Level 1: Learner recognizes interests and pursues them, recognizes similar materials and can apply previously successful strategies
  • Level 2: Learner is aware of the learning process and can perform reliably in some domains or with some types of materials, but has limited coping strategies and does not engage in a dialogue about his/her learning
  • Level 3: Learner can participate in a dialogue about learning and can accept guidance and assisted exploration
  • Level 4: Learner can initiate activities, including dialogue and assistance-seeking, and monitors his/her own performance informally
  • Level 5: Learner has fully internalized meta-learning, assesses his/her own performance in parallel with external metrics, and can revise and optimize learning behaviors

Cloud-based activities can do a lot above Level 0, and would be especially useful in integrating in-school and out-of-school activities.


To operationalize the maturity model, we could develop roadmaps for learners. There could be 2 types of roadmaps. An abstract one might be tied to the maturity model, showing them where they are and what they can do next. A concrete one might be tied to an annual schedule, showing upcoming tests or new educational objectives that may pose challenges, with suggested strategies based on how self-activated the learner is. Both could form part of a more general educational management tool meant to establish a community around the learner, including the learner, parents, teachers, etc.