(PGA) Exploration Tool Prototype Roadmap
Nightly Build: http://build.fluidproject.org/prefsEditors/demos/discoveryTool/
Designs: PGA Preference Discovery Tool June 9
1. Preferences and UI Schemas and Persistence APIs
COMPLETED Goal: Provide a robust and extensible means for developers to create and share preference editor views and logic across the GPII; Support developers in creating preference editors, panels and enactors by creating documentation and tutorials.
2. Prepare Exemplary Content
COMPLETED Goal: Choose and prepare an exemplary piece of content in order to showcase the transformations. We want to demonstrate the Discovery Tool with a single resource that has been implemented using best practices and that has enough features to allow the application of the transformations (for example, a resource with no text wouldn't allow us to demonstrate increased text size).
3. Build Discovery Tool Interface
COMPLETED The Discovery Tool will start with a basic set of presets and enactors:
- high contrast:
- black on white
- emphasize links
- inputs larger
- sans serif font or monospaced font
- low contrast
- light gray on dark gray
- emphasize links
- inputs larger
- sans serif font or monospaced font
- increase size
- font
- line spacing
- simplify
- article elements only
- add table of contents
- increases line spacing 1.2x, text size 1.2x
- text-to-speech
- more text
- display alt text, long descriptions
- show transcripts
4. Implement 'Try Something New' Feature
COMPLETED Goal: Provide a means for the user to discover settings they might not otherwise have known about.
5. Integrate With GPII Preferences Service
COMPLETED Goal: Illustrate how the Discovery Tool will integrate with the Preferences Editor and GPII Preferences Services
Future Work
1. Upgrade and Integrate Infusion Video Player
Goal: Show the transformation of videos based on selected presets in the discovery tool
2. Model Transformation
Goal: <need to talk to Kasper and Antranig about what is left with this work>
3. Upgrade to Schema
Goal: Illustrate how the Discovery Tool will integrate with the Preferences Editor and GPII Preferences Services
4. Implement ToC as per designs
Goal: Demonstrate the best practice of using a site wide table of contents instead of only the page ToC
<need to find the newest designs and link them here>
5. Implement local data storage of preferences and improve the failure tolerance of data sources
Goal: Provide access to and backup storage of preferences when there are network connectivity issues.
6. Data Source Transformation
Goal: Allow integrators to store user settings in a format of their choosing.
7. Build a Personalized Discovery Tool for Dani
Goal: Demonstrate the ability to personalize a Discovery Tool for a particular user.
(PGA) Use Cases (July 24, 2013)
8. Scaffolds
Goal: Provide access to external tools to assist users in understanding content, such as
- dictionary
- thesaurus
- glossary
- calendars
- reminders
9. More Text-To-Speech
Goal: Add more advanced functionality to the text-to-speech enactor, such as highlight & read.
PGA Preference Discovery Tool June 9#Speak
10. Integrate With GPII Local Infrastructure
Goal: Expand scope of Discovery Tool to interact with local assistive technologies such as screen readers.