(C4A) Preference Tool Functions - PMT PCP MM (March 12)
(C4A) Preference Tool Functions - PMT PCP MM (March 12)
Not up to date, see Preference Management Ecosystem Features Functionality June 7 for latest
Preference Management Tool
- account creation/log-in
- education on C4A/GPII:
- 'discovery aid', discovery 'playground'
- preference instructions/demonstrations
- guided walk-through
- preference sets:
- view all/organize
- create/delete
- modify preferences
- add/edit contexts (device, location, time, etc.)
- preferences:
- view all available through categories or search
- modify preferences
- prioritize (add/remove) preferences that appear in the PCP
- modifications preview:
- mock/live preview
- modifications history
- unsaved, last changed preferences?
- sharing of preference sets with others
- account settings:
- edit email/password/security
- adjust MM settings
Personal Control Panel
- select/apply an existing set
- quickly modify settings (“on the fly”)
- through prioritized settings
- through search
- save modified settings to a set (connect to PMT)
- to apply to other devices/contexts
- to switch to another set, but keep current modifications for a later situation
- monitor user behaviour on devices/contexts and identify patterns
- apply best-fit preferences/set based on identified device/context/patterns
- determine ratings on matchmaker results from user behavior
- make recommendations, suggest preferences that may aid user
- determine/prioritize preferences available in PCP