Setting up Virtualbox for Decapod

Setting up Virtualbox for Decapod

Required software:

Set up Virtual Box with Ubuntu

Configuring Virtualbox:

  1. Boot Windows 7
  2. Install Virtual Box
  3. Launch and create a new Virtual Machine (or VM)
  4. Select NEW on the Virtualbox toolbar
  5. For VM OS Type - Operating System: Linux. Version: Ubuntu. Next
  6. For Memory - 2048 MB. Next
  7. For Virtual Hard Disk: Create New. Next
  8. Select VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk). Next
  9. Select Dynamically Allocated. Next
  10. Specify size of 8.00 GB (should be the default value). Next
  11. Select Create

Installing Ubuntu:

If not done already, download a copy of Ubuntu before proceeding with the next 3 steps. (Ubuntu 10.04 can be found here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/).

  1. After completing the above steps, a new Virtual Machine should appear in the Virtualbox window.
  2. Select the new image and select "Start" button from the toolbar.
  3. Follow the prompts to install Ubuntu.

Install Ubuntu software:

  1. Install Firefox 8 for ubuntu (follow these instructions: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Firefox-8-in-Ubuntu-10-04-and-10-10-232859.shtml)
  2. Install Mercurial - in a command prompt run:
    sudo apt-get install mercurial

Final Adjustments

To ensure the virtual machine is configured properly, some settings need to be changed:

  1. Select the virtual machine just created. Right-click and select "Settings".
  2. Select "System" from the options in the left column.
  3. Now select the "Processor" tab in the right column. Change the number of processors to 4.
  4. Select "Display" from the options in the left column.
  5. Now enable 3D Acceleration, and 2D Video Acceleration.
  6. Press the "OK" button. Done.

Install Guest Additions

  1. Start and login to the Ubuntu virtual machine
  2. Under the "Devices" menu in the top-most menu bar, select "Install Guest Additions".
  3. Follow the prompts until complete.

Install Extension Pack

  1. Shut down the Ubuntu virtual machine if it is running.
  2. Download the Extension Pack if you haven't done so already (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads).
  3. Go to the directory where you downloaded the Extension Pack file Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.1.6-74713.vbox-extpack
  4. Run the extension pack by double-clicking / executing Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.1.6-74713.vbox-extpack
  5. Follow the prompts until complete.