DIA IT Contractor (July 2)

DIA IT Contractor
*Manager and Systems Engineer, Information Systems*
Responsible for network/server side. Phones, support. Lots of knowledge about APIs & applications that work with DBs. Is a contractor himself and when necessary (his workload is full) he helps departments find other contractors. Very happy to chat with Engage folks as needed. Wants to be in the know about how to prep for implementing Engage.
Razor's edge (development/fundraising)
Filemaker Interpretive (SQL)
Filemakes images (SQL)
TMS (SQL). Hasn't tried COBOAT or related apps.
ESP (Event scheduling, billing, functions)
other SQL db's maintain admniistrative inventories, e.g.: applications
other storage space:
Z drive. Shell (photography) stores 16 & 8 bit, tiff, jpg images on. TMS syncs with Z drive & Filemaker image DB.
1 for every SQL DB. HP computers, MS Server 2003
Hosted offsite by EMSIX (contractor). Eventually will reside on a different outside server and be mirrored on a DIA server. Currently ordering a new server for this. M6 is developing a CMS for new site.
E-museum module - allows museums to publish their collections online to public. DIA not using this.
E-museum network module is related. Allows museums to access the collections of other museums; facilitates loans, research, etc. Paul setting up a server so DIA can participate in this.
Changes in TMS used to be upgrade to website (e.g. some images). Then Museum Systems came out with new version of TMS which changed table structures, so updates aren't happening anymore. Old developer (now gone) found a way to pull images from TMS & put them on DIA website. Developer has now left.
WIFI in the gallery space
Old parts of DIA made of marble - infrastructure not really there for wifi. In renovated areas WIFI can be installed.
Cellular reception in gallery space - Pretty good