fluid-work IRC Logs-2008-11-18

[07:23:57 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:36:19 EST(-0500)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:53:22 EST(-0500)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined #fluid-work
[10:02:51 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@guiseppi.atrc.utoronto.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[10:24:58 EST(-0500)] <jacobfarber> Has anyone else had this problem? http://swfupload.org/forum/generaldiscussion/897
[10:25:05 EST(-0500)] <jacobfarber> im getting it now while tetsing
[10:27:57 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> check this, not sure if it has anything do with the current problem but there is some interesting stuff in the comments
[10:27:58 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> http://swfupload.org/forum/generaldiscussion/282
[10:32:26 EST(-0500)] <jacobfarber> well, it turns out having a NAME and VALUE attribute on the browse button was the souce of the crash....this is good to note!
[11:02:29 EST(-0500)] * lessthanzero (n=FatalRem@CPE001ff342457c-CM001ac352aefc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[11:14:02 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[11:44:24 EST(-0500)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:59:09 EST(-0500)] * ecochran (n=ecochran@dhcp-169-229-212-59.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[12:00:06 EST(-0500)] * simonwang (n=chatzill@swang.itservices.ubc.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[12:02:26 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> clown: Try this site it mentions a program that you need to download to remap one of the keys to the insert key
[12:02:29 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> http://www.webaim.org/blog/screenreaders_on_mac/
[12:02:49 EST(-0500)] <clown> Justin_o: thanks
[12:02:59 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> you're welcome, I hope it works
[12:06:48 EST(-0500)] <simonwang> Hello, I am working on Fluid build. I need a list of Fluid components and the js files a component depends on. Can somebody help me with this?
[12:08:40 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&amp;Sect2=HITOFF&amp;d=PALL&amp;p=1%3Cbr%20%3E%3C/a%3E%20&amp;u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&amp;r=1&amp;f=G&amp;l=50&amp;s1=7,415,666.PN.&amp;OS=PN/7,415%3Cbr%20/%3E%20,666&amp;RS=PN/7,415,666
[12:28:25 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> simonwang, this information is documented on our wiki - each component has an API page that lists the file dependencies
[12:28:38 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/API+documents
[12:28:52 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> let me know if you need more information than this
[12:28:59 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> and thanks for working on this!
[12:29:08 EST(-0500)] <simonwang> Thanks!
[12:49:12 EST(-0500)] <clown> Justin_o: I think I may have a found a better solution – hook up a keyboard with an insert key.
[12:49:59 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> clown: that is an effective method
[14:21:02 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: I have a quick uploader question
[14:43:58 EST(-0500)] <simonwang> Hi anastasiac, I finished the changes for Fluid-224 issue, but could not check in. What's next?
[14:55:46 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> hi, simonwang
[14:56:04 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> the thing to do would be to create a patch and attach it to the jira
[14:56:17 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> then email the list telling people that you've done so, and asking for a review
[14:56:39 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> that's great that you've got that done! thanks!
[14:59:46 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> anastasiac: do you know what the suggested way to make something "unactivateable" after it has been made activatable using the keyboard accessibility plug in?
[14:59:57 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> the documentation didn't seem to cover it
[15:01:27 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> hm...
[15:01:38 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> ecochran, off the top of my head I don't know of a way
[15:01:52 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I could have a look at the code, but it doesn't sound familiar
[15:02:08 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> if there is no such way, I might consider that an oversight, and file a JIRA requesting the functionality
[15:02:54 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> I think that it is an over-sight. Probably something that we just haven't needed yet.
[15:03:06 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> sounds like you should file a jira (smile)
[15:03:26 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> I will file the request as I need it in order to fix FLUID-1819
[15:03:41 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> yes, I suspected that's what you were looking into
[15:03:48 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: i have a question for you when you are free
[15:03:54 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> once it's filed, you could like 1819 to it as depending on it
[15:04:04 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> anastasiac: will do
[15:04:10 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: now is good
[15:04:48 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: thanks... i noticed that as you remove a file from the file queue the 'x' changes to the error icon. Is this the correct behaviour?
[15:05:19 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> no it's not, I have it on my list of stuff to look at...
[15:05:28 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> if you would file a bug, that would keep it on the radar
[15:05:36 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> sure.. will do thanks
[15:05:38 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> it's an oddity
[15:06:07 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> i see... i wasn't sure if you were using that to indicate that it was being removed that's why i thought i'd check in with you first... thanks
[15:08:26 EST(-0500)] <simonwang> anastasiac: I'm not familiar with the procedure, could you give me some details about the "create a patch, and attach it to the jira", or point me to some docs?
[15:09:46 EST(-0500)] <Justin_o> ecochran: i have filed it as fluid-1823
[15:10:10 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> Justin_o: thanks
[15:25:40 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> simonwang, sorry I missed your post.
[15:26:02 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> do you use Aptana or Eclipse for your development?
[15:26:46 EST(-0500)] <simonwang> No, I did it on solaris unix.
[15:27:41 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> you can create a patch file by doing an 'svn diff' on the file or folder you've edited, and pipe the output to a file
[15:27:57 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> The output of the diff is essentially a patch file, or close enough for this purpose
[15:28:13 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> that file can be attached to the JIRA, so that someone can look at what you've done
[15:28:16 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> does that make sense?
[15:30:28 EST(-0500)] <simonwang> It makes perfect sense. I will do it. Thanks!
[15:51:17 EST(-0500)] <simonwang> anastasiac: I finished updating jira with svn diff attached. Could you tell me to which email group should I send email to for review?
[15:51:33 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I would send an email to the fluid-work list
[15:52:01 EST(-0500)] <simonwang> thanks
[16:02:54 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[16:49:33 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> anastasiac: are you there?
[16:54:22 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> hi - yes, I'm here
[16:54:53 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> ecochran ^
[16:55:15 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> anastasiac: do you know if the Rich Text Inline Editor is running anywhere ... public?
[16:55:59 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> hm. I believe there's a manual test page for it
[16:56:05 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> and so it could be accessed on the build site
[16:56:11 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> but there's no link for it yet
[16:56:15 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> I could add one...
[16:56:21 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> assuming it's there
[16:56:55 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> if there is a manual page I can find it
[16:57:34 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> ah - http://build.fluidproject.org/fluid/tests/fluid-tests/manual/rich-text/rich-text-inline-edit.html
[16:58:01 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> it actually uses two different editors
[16:58:23 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> though I can't attest to whether or not it actually works
[16:58:31 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> that'd be an Antranig question
[16:59:12 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> ecochran^
[16:59:30 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> an
[16:59:34 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> anastasiac: thanks
[16:59:42 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> np
[16:59:42 EST(-0500)] <ecochran> distracted..
[16:59:47 EST(-0500)] <anastasiac> s'ok
[17:27:01 EST(-0500)] * clown (n=clown@guiseppi.atrc.utoronto.ca) has left #fluid-work
[17:36:07 EST(-0500)] * lessthanzero (n=FatalRem@CPE001ff342457c-CM001ac352aefc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[22:42:03 EST(-0500)] * jacobfarber (n=Main@CPE00095bc35ea1-CM001692f5798c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[23:46:18 EST(-0500)] * phiggins (n=dante@c-68-34-199-67.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work