First Discovery Server Demo
First Discovery Server Demo
A demo instance of the First Discovery Server using its own instances of the Flow Manager and Preferences Server is accessible at http://first-discovery.floeproject.org/demos/prefsServerIntegration/
Trying the Demo
#1: Using the First Discovery Server
Visit http://first-discovery.floeproject.org/demos/prefsServerIntegration/
- Complete the First Discovery process and get a token
- Example: f9b9351d-d0c2-4cb5-9be9-1ea52c968c3f (this token is used in the two examples below, but may not work - see the note below about data persistence)
#2: Retrieving a Saved First Discovery Preference Set from the Preferences Server
Using a valid token from #1...
Visit http://first-discovery-ps.floeproject.org/preferences/{token} - you’ll see the preferences saved in JSON form
#3: Retrieving a Saved First Discovery Preference Set from the Flow Manager
- Using a valid token from #1...
- Visit http://first-discovery-fm.floeproject.org/{token}/settings/%7B%22OS%22:%7B%22id%22:%22linux%22%7D%2C%22solutions%22:%5B%7B%22id%22:%22org.gnome.orca%22%7D%5D%7D - you will see the preferences set translated into settings usable by the Orca screen reader (Linux)
Technical Details
- First Discovery Server: http://first-discovery.floeproject.org/
- First Discovery Server Flow Manager Instance: http://first-discovery-fm.floeproject.org/
- First Discovery Server Preferences Server Instance: http://first-discovery-ps.floeproject.org
Data Persistence
Currently there is no permanent storage of data; it will persist while the containers are running, but will vanish when they or the host server is restarted. In practice, this shouldn't happen very frequently, but be aware.