Welcome Panel API

Welcome Panel Overview

Displays the welcome message.

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Adding a Welcome Panel to a Component/Grade

Option 1: Typically the Welcome Panel is integrated into the first discovery tool by supplying it as a type option in an Auxiliary Schema:


"welcome": {
    "type": "gpii.firstDiscovery.welcome",
    "panel": {
        "type": "gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.welcome",
        "container": ".gpiic-fd-prefsEditor-panel-welcome",
        "template": "%prefix/welcomeTemplate.html",
        "message": "%prefix/welcome.json"
Since the welcome panel is to display a static message. It doesn't tie with any preference.

Option 2: Adding as a stand alone component:

var myPanel = gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.welcome(container, options);


The base grades used by the Yes/No Panel:



One of the options that can be provided to the First Discovery Editor is a set of CSS-based selectors identifying where in the DOM different elements can be found. The value for the option is itself a Javascript object containing name/value pairs:


selectors: {
    selector1Name: "selector 1 string",
    selector2Name: "selector 2 string",

Selector Name




The container to display the welcome message.



<script type="text/javascript" src="src/lib/infusion/infusion-custom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/js/panels.js"></script>