Language and Preferences Editor Connector API

Language and Preferences Editor Connector Overview

In the First Discovery Tool, every preference change causes all panels to re-render so that the changed preference can be applied to the entire tool. When the language panel is re-rendered, it needs to scroll to the correct position to show the selected language button. However, while the language panel is hidden, this scrolling would not occur because the button positions are not retrievable. This connector component ensures the language panel re-renders when the user navigates back to the language panel.

Adding a Language and Preferences Editor Connector Component

To mixin the language and preferences editor connector into the Language Panel:

fluid.defaults("gpii.firstDiscovery.panel.lang", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.prefs.panel", "{that}.options.prefsEditorConnection", "autoInit"],


The base grades used by the Language and Preferences Editor Connector:


<script type="text/javascript" src="src/lib/infusion/infusion-custom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/js/panels.js"></script>