BIG IDeA Brainstorming Notes (January 17, 2017 Design Crit)

IDRC's involvement

"We are building a curated learning experience for business, obligated organizations, community groups, and customers* on Inclusive Design."

  • the exact wording of groups, see the Certified for Access project description.

What is being built

  • Something like an OER. What do we mean when we say we are making an "OER"?
    • consolidation of content (like the Design Toolkit landing page)
    • reframing
  • additional scaffolding and content required to flesh out obvious gaps
  • Changes to improve access
    • i.e. info re-architecture (i.e. for the ILDH?), redesign (i.e. for ADOD?)

  • Building better entry points - not buried in a "thicket of the Wiki garden"
  • Razorfish will be making the Big Idea website, and our "OER" will be integrated somehow. This is to-be-determined.

1. "Smaller" resources that can be integrated into our existing resources

2. Stand-alone resources which need increased visibility e.g. re-design, or creation of doc site etc
3. Consolidate/describe our resources from BIGIDeAS perspective (redefine entry points etc)

What do we already have?

Under DIY bubble, add:
  • micro computers
  • prototyping tools
    • cardboard prototyping
    • upcoming sonification prototyping tool

How do our partner projects fit into this? i.e. Pressbooks, PhET

Possible Entry Points

  • Goal focused:
    • i.e. coming to learn document and web accessibility (ADOD, WCAG, ARIA)
  • Question: If we anticipate users coming to the resource for concrete information, how do we guide them to a perspective shift?
    • How might we strcuture / present / strategize to guide them along the path?

Improvements to be made

The Inclusive Design Guide:

  • should be presented as a resource to be used - some thought may need to be given to re-present some parts 
  • Tools section in the Guide may be the concrete things business audience are looking for immediately
  • Tools section there's little going back to other parts of the guide - perhaps enhance this.

  • mostly up to date: includes Word, Acrobat
  • the value is in its specificity. Keeping it up to date in important.
  • perhaps a redesign at some point (very "Drupal-y")

Specifications / Standards

  • where does it fit overall? Do we want to make this more prevalent / relevant?

Other resources to consider / topics of interest:
  • data visualization, sonification, dealing with big data
  • customer service
    • i.e. Oxford Properties "ASK" program
    • examples of ID in customer service. Customized or personalized customer service (i.e. online chat vs. voice chat).
  • case studies - examples of how ID is being used
    • i.e. Oxford Properties, Macmillan Learning, PhET, Microsoft
  • everyday examples
  • quantifying the benefits of Inclusive Design
  • presentations / slide decks / videos / other media? Should we do more videos?
  • Resource / idea sharing: how can this be done within groups: what tools are available? What are the benefits.


  • Do we have any resources on defining "Customers / Clients"? i.e. there may be no typical "customer" ... getting groups to think about their clients/customers/partners as a spectrum
  • How do we present the idea that going beyond the spec, standard, etc is good and encouraged?
    • it may be implicit in some of our resources (i.e. Design Guide) but it may need to be more explicit.
  • How do we enable updating, adaptations, translations of our "OER"? Are there tools already that can be used?
  • Do we have any Use Case Scenarios for our audience? Talk to David and Jess - DIYÂ