fluid-work IRC Logs-2010-04-05

[08:31:59 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (~apollo@adsl-76-208-69-152.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:32:11 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (~apollo@adsl-76-208-69-152.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has left #fluid-work
[09:47:16 EDT(-0400)] * jessm (~Jess@c-71-232-3-151.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:57:28 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> mpcutter: tmbdev: today is a holiday for Toronto, FYI
[10:20:29 EDT(-0400)] * athena (~athena@adsl-99-65-194-144.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[10:35:59 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (~apollo@adsl-76-208-69-152.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[10:36:35 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (~apollo@adsl-76-208-69-152.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has left #fluid-work
[12:00:21 EDT(-0400)] * Bosmon7 (~a@athedsl-4556371.home.otenet.gr) has joined #fluid-work
[14:12:31 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (~apollo@adsl-76-208-69-152.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[14:12:37 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (~apollo@adsl-76-208-69-152.dsl.mdsnwi.sbcglobal.net) has left #fluid-work
[17:52:57 EDT(-0400)] * 92AAAGAPN (~kasper@0x5552c030.adsl.cybercity.dk) has joined #fluid-work
[18:13:28 EDT(-0400)] * kasper_ (~kasper@0x5552c030.adsl.cybercity.dk) has joined #fluid-work
[04:12:00 EDT(-0400)] * Bosmon7 (~a@athedsl-4556371.home.otenet.gr) has joined #fluid-work
[05:16:13 EDT(-0400)] * athena (~athena@adsl-99-65-194-144.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[06:28:07 EDT(-0400)] * athena (~athena@adsl-99-65-194-144.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[07:19:49 EDT(-0400)] * athena (~athena@adsl-99-65-194-144.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[07:43:00 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (~michelled@CPE001310472ade-CM0011aefd3ca8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[07:17:38 EDT(-0400)] * kasper_ (~kasper@0x5552c030.adsl.cybercity.dk) has joined #fluid-work
[08:09:36 EDT(-0400)] * athena (~athena@adsl-99-65-194-144.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:39:38 EDT(-0400)] * anastasiac (~team@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:45:10 EDT(-0400)] * jessm (~Jess@c-71-232-3-151.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:04:59 EDT(-0400)] * greggy (~greg@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:09:31 EDT(-0400)] * jameswy (~jameswy@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:12:56 EDT(-0400)] * jhung (~Jon@H110.C192.cci.switchworks.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:30:18 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: you testing today?
[09:30:26 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jessm: Yep.
[09:30:34 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jhung: what's our story with Decapod?
[09:31:13 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Going to try to get a tag working or a 0.3 clone put up onto the googlecode site.
[09:31:21 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: you know we're holding off on rich text inline edit testing for now, right?
[09:31:32 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jhung: did you see tmbdev 's email?
[09:31:47 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Yes.
[09:31:51 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Not much to go on there.
[09:31:55 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jessm: Heard about that--about about the unit tests? Are they still on hold too?
[09:32:09 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: i don't know anything about that
[09:32:12 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Will need to test.
[09:32:21 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> justin_o just mentioned rich text inline edit
[09:48:15 EDT(-0400)] * clown (~clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:49:11 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> do we have any folks in here who can help with testing?
[09:51:16 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jamon: is Kim's stuff from IDI on the Alfresco site?
[09:51:31 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jamon: i know she posted it to the google site – did it get moved or reposted?
[09:55:09 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (~dalquist@2607:f388:e:0:221:9bff:fe37:e768) has joined #fluid-work
[09:56:57 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> jessm: what tmb did is what michelled and I managed to do on Thursday. It was commiting the new files that was giving us issues.
[09:57:09 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jhung: ah
[09:57:25 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> and you're picking taht back up now?
[09:57:33 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> not sure if tmbdev is really here
[09:57:34 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> jessm: I'll give it a try on my end though, perhaps tmb did soemthing different.
[10:10:14 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jhung: michelled just popped online and said tmbdev created a branch
[10:10:23 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> we need to update those few files and then cut a new tag
[10:10:31 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> and work with jamon to get the demo online
[10:10:32 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> yes. working on that now.
[10:10:38 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> i'm not sure if jamon is around today
[10:10:59 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Is michelled online? I don't see her.
[10:11:15 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> I need to talk to her otherwise we may end up doing the same thing.,
[10:17:52 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jhung: she's taken the day off
[10:17:59 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> so, you should go for it
[10:18:01 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> ok. I've commited the changes anyway.
[10:18:03 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> she'll pick up tomorrow
[10:18:30 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> By the looks of it, it worked. Will do testing now we know how to commit to branches.
[10:21:38 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jhung: great
[10:27:02 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: yeah, so i broke the testing page in the wiki
[10:27:13 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jessm: !
[10:27:17 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> yeah
[10:27:19 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> i rock
[10:27:21 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> lol
[10:27:23 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> Revert?
[10:27:29 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> trying
[10:27:31 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> lemme try again
[10:27:43 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> Doesn't look broken to me jessm.
[10:27:44 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> i really really broke it
[10:27:50 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> oh, then maybe it's just me
[10:28:36 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> I find that it sometimes it takes a couple of refreshes
[10:28:56 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: ah, thank goodness, it isn't broken
[10:29:07 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: can you help me assign a few test to myself?
[10:29:24 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jessm: Sure, which ones do you want?
[10:29:39 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> Inline Edit - Dropdown (FF3.6 - Mac OS 10.6)
[10:29:45 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> Inline Edit - Dropdown (Safari 4 - Mac OS 10.6)
[10:30:05 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> Inline Edit - Simple Text (FF3.6 - Mac OS 10.6)
[10:30:11 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> Inline Edit - Simple Text (Safari 4 - Mac OS 10.6)
[10:30:16 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: i'll start with 4
[10:30:19 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> ambitious!
[10:31:27 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jessm: they're in your list now
[10:31:53 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: thank you so much!
[10:31:58 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> np
[10:32:02 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> did you just assign them to me and they magically moved?
[10:32:11 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> that's what i tried and it broke everything
[10:32:30 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> I just edited the markup--Confluence's GUI is wonky.
[10:32:36 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> ah
[10:32:37 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> ok
[10:32:45 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> schwoo, close one there!
[10:32:53 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> (smile)
[11:06:31 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> jessm: tagging the decapod-genpdf script. Testing looks good.
[11:07:47 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jhung: cool
[12:03:16 EDT(-0400)] * yura1 (~atrc@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:04:14 EDT(-0400)] * yura1 (~atrc@ has left #fluid-work
[12:05:20 EDT(-0400)] * yura1 (~yura@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:08:50 EDT(-0400)] * yura (~yura@ has joined #fluid-work
[12:17:02 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: ping
[12:17:08 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jessm: pong
[12:17:53 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: so, in my test of simple text inline edit i'm getting slightly different results on each test site – is this the sort of thing that you're writing JIRAs for? i'm inclined to just document it and then talk to Justin when he's back – what do you think?
[12:19:24 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jessm: if it feels like a component bug, and there isn't a JIRA for it, I write it up; if it looks like it might be an implementation issue (and the component itself might be fine), I ping Justin about it.
[12:20:11 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> ah, roger that
[12:20:15 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> sounds like what i've got
[12:20:20 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> an implementation issue
[12:31:15 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> jameswy: James, do you have time in a few mins to help with release testing? I just need to confirm my changes made it through.
[12:31:51 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jhung: Sure--what's involved? (and can it wait till after lunch?)
[12:32:11 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> jameswy: yeah it can wait until after lunch. Just ping me. (smile)
[12:32:18 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jhung: will do.
[12:47:18 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (~colin@ has joined #fluid-work
[13:23:00 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> anastasiac, colinclark: do any of you have keys to the cabinet or michelled's desk?
[13:23:36 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jhung: As we told jameswy, anastasiac has keys to the cabinet, but no for Michelle's desk.
[13:23:40 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> jhung, jameswy has already borrowed my keys to check the cabinet. I think you're out of luck for michelled's desk
[13:24:00 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> thanks!
[13:24:12 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> What do you need, jhung
[13:24:14 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> ?
[13:24:47 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> colincark: cameras to do release testing. We need cameras to do this last round. (smile)
[13:25:17 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jhung: How could you use cameras located in downtown, way up there Markham?
[13:25:39 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> lol
[13:25:58 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> James was going to do testing locally using the cameras there.
[13:26:08 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> aha
[13:26:13 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> But if they're locked / out of office, then we'll have to wait until tomorrow.
[13:26:18 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jhung: Can you fill me in on where we're at?
[13:26:26 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I saw Michelle's email saying we'd release tomorrow
[13:26:27 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> sure.
[13:26:33 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I saw Thomas saying he's changed some tags
[13:26:35 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> What's up?
[13:27:30 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> So Thomas created that branch for decapod 0.3. I added the documentation files to that branch.
[13:28:00 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> But when I committed my changes, it created another branch. But at least it has everything we want in it.
[13:28:17 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Everything else is tagged. I've tested it locally on my machine and it works.
[13:28:36 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> So now we just need to do a final sanity check using the other cameras + computer to make sure it's all good.
[13:40:12 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jhung: A "branch" for Decapod 0.3, or a "tag"?
[13:40:21 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> And, which revision does it correspond to?
[13:41:59 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> colinclark: A branch called "decapod-0.3" was created at version 11 for decapod-genpdf. No tag was given to it.
[13:42:29 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jhung: So this branch is going to be the source for cutting and tagging genpdf, then?
[13:42:32 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> the decapod-0.3 branch should be closed once testing verifies that it is good for this release.
[13:42:36 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> ok
[13:42:44 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> So why did we end up reverting to rev 11?
[13:42:46 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Then development continues on the "trunk"
[13:43:17 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Ok, so it sounds like the process is like this:
[13:43:24 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> rev11 was the one we tested with and worked ithe the version of Ocropus we're testing.
[13:43:30 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> 1. Branch at revision "11"
[13:43:38 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> 2. Test against it
[13:43:43 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> 3. Tag it for the 0.3 release
[13:43:50 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> 4. Release
[13:44:03 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Move back to the main repository for 0.4
[13:44:33 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> To clarify our use of a "branch" in this context... is this another repository, or a named branch within the current one?
[13:44:37 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Tagging may not be required since the branch is already named "decapod-0.3". Tagging a version in that branch seems a bit redundant, especially since we don't plan on doing any more development on the branch.
[13:44:46 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> we need to tag
[13:45:23 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> We're using a named branch.
[13:45:27 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Ack
[13:45:28 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> ok
[13:45:34 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I had hoped we could avoid named branches
[13:45:34 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> lol
[13:45:35 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> But that's fine
[13:45:43 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> So, here's why we need to tag:
[13:45:58 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> We need a clear correspondence between a particular revision of the software and the thing we ship
[13:46:08 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Only a tag can represent this clearly
[13:46:13 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Make sense?
[13:46:20 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> sure.
[13:46:41 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> We'll tag once we verify the decapod-0.3 named branch works.
[13:46:41 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Ok, so this 0.3 branch has changes to it from r11?
[13:46:48 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> yes
[13:46:53 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> ok
[13:47:23 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> So, on Thursday, michelled was in the midst of trying to unravel the spaghetti at the tip of genpdf.
[13:47:28 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> What happened on that front?
[13:48:15 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> we gave up. It wasn't an easy fix, so we decided to go back to rev11.
[13:48:32 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Can you elaborate at all, or do you know the details?
[13:48:44 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I'm just curious--I figured we might well end up having to fall back to r11
[13:49:13 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Not really. Best to ask Michelle.
[13:50:00 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> ok
[13:50:15 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> You were seeing quality problems with the PDFs that were getting generated, no?
[13:50:47 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Yes. I sent the tiff I was using to the list.
[13:52:05 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> And that's still an issue?
[13:52:14 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Or did you get any kind of response?
[13:54:08 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> I have not tested or updated since. Not sure if mpcutter or joost has fixed it yet.
[13:56:23 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> ok
[13:56:42 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> We'll need to address it post 0.3. I think it's getting lost in the chatter.
[13:56:54 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> We need to get an email post-commit hook into all our Mercurial repositories so we can stay up to date on each new change
[13:57:25 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> There's an RSS feed for the googlecode updates page.
[14:01:56 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> jameswy: I'm good to meet in a few mins. Give me a min to grab some coffee. (smile)
[14:36:53 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: michelled started with jamon getting an email hook into mercurial and the repo
[14:36:59 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> i saw an email about it
[14:37:03 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> i think jamon isn't done
[14:37:06 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> and I think he's out today
[14:37:09 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> that'll be excellent
[14:37:23 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> agreed
[14:37:33 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> i'm afraid jamon 's plate is getting full for a welcome-back-Tuesday
[15:46:03 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> yura: So it looks like TinyMCE isn't actually supported for use in a CDN
[15:46:11 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> But someone has hacked together a solution: http://github.com/moorage/tinymce-cdn
[15:46:26 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I think it's working sufficiently enough for our little demo that it doesn't really matter.
[15:47:00 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I'm just in the process of doing the CKEditor migration now, but it's pretty awkward
[15:47:23 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> CKEditor 2.x to 3.x is a complete API rewrite, and they haven't even written documentation for migrating between the two versions. (sad)
[15:47:46 EDT(-0400)] <yura> oh you mean interesting so all the have is the tutorial?
[15:47:59 EDT(-0400)] <yura> have you had a chance to look at their jquery adaptor?
[15:48:36 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> yura: No, I haven't. Honestly, I've been so unimpressed with CKEditor that I can't imagine their jQuery plugin is going to be very pleasant (wink)
[15:51:22 EDT(-0400)] <yura> interesting but at least they also claim that the interface is totally based on WAI-ARIA.
[15:51:43 EDT(-0400)] <yura> i wonder how it behaves with the screen reader for example
[15:52:44 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> jessm, jameswy, colinclark: Assuming Decapod releases tomorrow, I plan on taking Wed - Fri off. I'm wondering how this will affect plans?
[15:53:39 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> yura: There was a thread on the Sakai UX list where some screen reader users tested CKEditor and seemed relatively impressed. Said it's now surpassed TinyMCE.
[15:53:56 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jhung: Particular plans you're worried about it affecting?
[15:55:14 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> Mostly post 0.3 transitions: personnel, next release planning, 0.3 post-mortem.
[15:56:15 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jhung: Have you thought much about your plans for 0.4 from a functional perspective?
[15:57:20 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> colinclark: yes I have. I sent an email on April 1st titled "Next release feature list" to the internal list.
[15:57:39 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> I've already discussed some of this with jameswy earlier this aft.
[15:58:23 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: i think that later this week might be a good time to catch up with tmbdev and mpcutter and joost on moving forward chats – so, maybe wed-fri we can do that?
[15:58:36 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> For sure
[15:58:44 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> assuming that would work for all of them (wink)
[15:58:58 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I think we'll probably fine
[15:59:08 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> I suspect that there'll be a lot of technical conversations to have
[15:59:18 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Fish getting the King and I up to speed on the code base, etc.
[15:59:58 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> ok. In that case I'll keep talking w jameswy and plan to take wed-fri off.
[16:02:27 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> who stole the dropdown?!
[16:02:29 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> http://build.fluidproject.org/infusion/tests/manual-tests/html/dropdown.html
[16:03:15 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> doh
[16:03:19 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> it's the word: Apocatastasis
[16:05:02 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> "Manual test" === nerdy test
[16:05:08 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> right, jessm? (tongue)
[16:05:43 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Ok, so I have a port of Rich Text Inline Edit nearly working with the new CKEditor
[16:06:05 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jhung: Have a good vacation. We'll be fine
[16:07:09 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> colinclark: Thanks. I wish it were a vacation. (smile)
[16:07:16 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> doh
[16:07:23 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Have a good few days off?
[16:07:36 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> he's decapooped colinclark
[16:07:37 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> (smile)
[16:08:05 EDT(-0400)] <jhung> jessm: that term is going into the glossary. (wink)
[16:08:09 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> umm, okay
[16:08:12 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> (tongue)
[16:08:21 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jhung: if you say so!
[16:08:49 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> so, this nerdy text – i'm not sure it's clear to anyone colinclark
[16:08:55 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> except only the finest nerd
[16:09:06 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: Well, yes
[16:09:08 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> That was my point
[16:09:13 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> ah, yes
[16:09:20 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Watch the air quotes:
[16:09:23 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> "Manual tests"
[16:09:29 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> nicely flown
[16:09:33 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> No ordinary human should ever encounter this file
[16:09:47 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> Only those of us lucky enough to run the Inline Edit QA plans
[16:09:49 EDT(-0400)] * jessm is no longer ordinary!
[16:09:54 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> It's not a demo. (wink)
[16:09:56 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> (smile)
[16:10:11 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> roger that – back to testing
[16:10:14 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> lol
[16:11:51 EDT(-0400)] * jhung (~Jon@H110.C192.cci.switchworks.net) has left #fluid-work
[16:23:16 EDT(-0400)] * athena7 (~athena@adsl-99-65-194-144.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[16:37:45 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> jessm, colinclark: maybe this is a question really for Justin or Jacob, but is there a reason why the FSS Advanced Layout test plan is empty? (http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/FSS+QA+Test+Plan+-+Advanced+Layout)
[16:38:28 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jameswy: yeah, i've no idea
[16:38:34 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jameswy: That looks like a stub page Justin put together, so I'm assuming they didn't get a chance to actually write the test paln.
[16:38:56 EDT(-0400)] <jameswy> Gotcha, thanks.
[16:59:24 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> jessm: hey boss, you still around?
[17:03:59 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> colinclark: yes
[17:04:24 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> So I've got the upgrade to CKEditor working, and am just tidying up my patch before committing.
[17:04:43 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> This will let us clean up the one last blocker and make our download size about 11 Mb smaller
[17:04:53 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> You chatted with Justin on Friday...
[17:05:05 EDT(-0400)] <colinclark> has he been asking you all to hold off on testing Rich Text Inline Edit until this was done?
[17:07:40 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> yes indeed colinclark
[17:07:44 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> we were on hold-off