fluid-work IRC Logs-2009-07-02

[00:14:10 EDT(-0400)] * lessthanzero (n=FatalRem@CPE001ff342457c-CM001ac352aefc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[05:08:35 EDT(-0400)] * athena (n=athena@adsl-99-162-191-55.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[08:15:24 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:53:28 EDT(-0400)] * laurel (n=Laurel@ has joined #fluid-work
[08:56:11 EDT(-0400)] * alisonbenjamin (n=alisonbe@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:06:27 EDT(-0400)] * yura (n=yura@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:19:45 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-69-217-53-224.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:29:47 EDT(-0400)] * heidi (n=thesumme@bas5-oshawa95-1176479318.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[09:44:57 EDT(-0400)] * clown (n=clown@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:52:01 EDT(-0400)] * jsilvaa (n=jsilva@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:05:59 EDT(-0400)] * athena (n=athena@adsl-99-162-191-55.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[10:09:02 EDT(-0400)] * fj4000 (n=Jacob@ has joined #fluid-work
[10:09:47 EDT(-0400)] * athena (n=athena@adsl-99-162-191-55.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net) has joined #fluid-work
[11:02:50 EDT(-0400)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:15:47 EDT(-0400)] * jessm (n=Jess@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:16:17 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jamon Justin_o: so, our JIRA site shows no filters globally after the upgrade
[11:16:30 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jamon: any idea how we can share/see global filters again?
[11:16:50 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jessm: well... it still does but not necessarily automatically
[11:17:01 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelle actually figured this out
[11:17:12 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> Justin_o: i just created a new filter and said to share it with everyone and I think it only shows up for me
[11:17:18 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> so basically on the home page it just shows your favourites now
[11:17:24 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> yes
[11:17:27 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> your personal favorite
[11:17:35 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> so if you go to manage the filters
[11:18:24 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> and you go to search
[11:18:42 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> and then search without setting any paramaters
[11:18:46 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> you will see the entire list
[11:19:03 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> you can add these to your favourites list by clicking on the star
[11:21:07 EDT(-0400)] * jessm fumes while clicking 91 freaking stars!
[11:21:36 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> where can i buy a <select all>
[11:45:34 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> Justin_o: do you know where to add a "component" in JIRA? their component, not ours
[11:46:04 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> yes... let me double check though
[11:46:24 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> if you go to "Administration"
[11:46:30 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> and then select "Fluid"
[11:46:49 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> ahhh
[11:46:55 EDT(-0400)] * jessm promises to get JIRA_smarter
[11:47:15 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> (smile)
[11:47:16 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has left #fluid-work
[11:47:37 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:47:50 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> fj4000: what "component" have you been putting your JIRAs under for mFSS?
[11:48:22 EDT(-0400)] <fj4000> do you mean the other way around?
[11:48:43 EDT(-0400)] <fj4000> i think I realized what you mean
[11:48:44 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> can you link me to a current mFSS JIRA ticket?
[11:48:46 EDT(-0400)] <fj4000> *meant
[11:48:48 EDT(-0400)] <fj4000> yeah
[11:48:50 EDT(-0400)] <fj4000> one sec
[11:49:09 EDT(-0400)] <fj4000> the component is FSS
[11:49:17 EDT(-0400)] <fj4000> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-2912
[12:12:32 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist1 (n=EricDalq@ppp-69-217-53-224.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined #fluid-work
[12:42:49 EDT(-0400)] * heidi (n=thesumme@bas5-oshawa95-1176479318.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[13:22:24 EDT(-0400)] * heidi (n=thesumme@bas5-oshawa95-1176479318.dsl.bell.ca) has left #fluid-work
[13:59:55 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has left #fluid-work
[14:40:36 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> anastasiac: ping
[14:40:47 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> jessm: pong
[14:41:07 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> anastasiac: hey, just noticed build failure email from continuum last night
[14:41:17 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> hm
[14:41:28 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> uploader server...
[14:41:39 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> ah, this is something that happens sometimes
[14:41:49 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> it's a problem accessing the sakai svn
[14:42:30 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> the manual rebuild I just triggered seems to be working
[14:42:41 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> hrm, interesting
[14:42:43 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> this is one of those cases we don't have much control over
[14:43:54 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> but it's interesting that it did deploy at the automated time...
[14:44:11 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> they all are now
[14:44:32 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> hm
[14:44:54 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> I'm sorry I didn't notice the failure email - I need to tweak my mail filters...
[14:45:35 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> no biggie
[14:45:42 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> glad i mentioned something worthwhile (tongue)
[14:45:48 EDT(-0400)] <anastasiac> always!!
[15:06:38 EDT(-0400)] * yura (n=yura@ has joined #fluid-work
[15:17:05 EDT(-0400)] * yura (n=yura@ has joined #fluid-work
[16:20:46 EDT(-0400)] * heidi (n=thesumme@bas5-oshawa95-1176479318.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #fluid-work
[16:31:37 EDT(-0400)] * justin_o (n=jmo@CPE001b63f2cc0e-CM0011aec4b062.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[17:01:12 EDT(-0400)] * anastasiac (n=team@ has left #fluid-work
[17:18:27 EDT(-0400)] * clown (n=clown@ has left #fluid-work
[17:52:24 EDT(-0400)] * alisonbenjamin (n=alisonbe@ has joined #fluid-work
[18:04:48 EDT(-0400)] * apetro (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #fluid-work
[20:30:42 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-69-217-53-224.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined #fluid-work
[22:40:54 EDT(-0400)] * fj4000 (n=Main@CPE0018f85ab63e-CM001692f5798c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[23:24:22 EDT(-0400)] * apetro (n=apetro@ip68-3-207-51.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #fluid-work