Enabling Uploader on Local File Systems

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Enabling Uploader on Local File Systems

Important Notes for Developers

In order try the to run the Uploader locally (e.g. to try the sample code, or to test your own implementation), you will need to make some minor modifications to your Flash settings in order to allow the Flash component to run with out a server:

  1. Open your browser
  2. Browse to:
  3. In the Flash Settings panel, click "Edit locations..."
  4. Select "Add location..."
  5. Click "Browse for folder..."
  6. Select the local /src/webapp/lib/swfupload/flash/ directory that contains the swfupload.swf file
  7. Restart your browser

Running the Uploader locally without a server is officially an invalid configuration for anything other than UI development and testing. The browsing portion of the workflow is fine, but the upload portion is done with smoke and mirrors and fakery. Do not do QA while running locally.

For more information, see the Readme.txt file included with the Uploader sample code: src/webapp/sample-code/uploader/Readme.txt.