
Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.3
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Hi, I'm Andrea Cruciani and I'm interested in tagging. I'm going to write a book about it and I think this is a good space to improve my knowledge about tagging.

My Idea about the book is to face all the issues where the tag is involved. I mean tagging in relation to: web2.0, datamining, rfid, near field communication, design, sociological view (or antropological), digital identity and web3.0(whatevers it is).

I'm going to start reading a variety of book that concern the topic of which above:

Spime - Bruce Sterling

Everything is miscellaneous - David Weinberger

Nexus - Mark Buchanan 

Connective intelligence - Derrick De Kerckhove

Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing - Adam Greenfield

These are the book for now.

Link that I'm checking out for design and web 2.0:

php engine
many eyes
tag ontology

In addition, I want to show you this two interesting beta verision:

It goes without saying the interest fot facebook and cognates about social networking.

I Appreciate any different point of view and advice.

Thank you! 

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