Rich Text Inline Edit Context of Use
Fluid Summit Activity
Potential COU's
- Assignment instructions
- Course syllabus
- Profile - multiple fields vs rich text
- Elements:
- Profile picture, image
- Education
- Affiliation Network
- C.V.
- Publications
- Fancy text things
- Something published in Finnish
- Numeric
- Uppercase letter
- Different edit rules
- Elements:
- Description
- Wikis
- Email? / msg
- Blog
- Comments / annotation / highlight
- Insert links and adding graphics
- Search and replace little changes
- Formatting
- Styles
- Review / html mode
- Editing a design pattern inline (OSDPL)
- Full page editing
- Announcements
Other COUs
Sakai Worksite Information - Edit worksite information using a rich text editor
- Edit course details on the course site
- Update contact information / profile
- Edit documents on-line
- Cut & paste from document to website
- See recent changes in files
- Keep track of document revisions
- Track changes to shared files (should track changes be an option on inline editing?)