Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.3
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Rich Text Inline Edit Storyboard - Edit rich text

Scenario: Edit course description

1)  Scenario begins at Worksite Setup portlet on Home page in Sakai

When user hovers over "edit" link, hover message displays after 2 seconds. 



2)  Selecting "edit" puts content in edit mode.  WYSIWYG editor is currently available in worksite information (integrating application) so it should be available here.  Is it part of the component?


3)  User selects "Wednesdays" by double clicking.  Triple-click selects entire sentence or line. 

4)  User begins typing after they had Wednesday selected so it is replaced with new typed text.


5)  User selected save above, changes are saved and they are taken back to read mode.  The edit link is available again. 


Questions for design review

  • Image 2 - wysiwyg widget -- outside component?
  • When there is an explicit save is there a need for the "undo edit"?  (see WI scenario).