Metadata Editor
Metadata Editor
Provide a way for the user to enter information about the book they are digitizing:
- Book title
- Author
- Publisher
- Copyright / publication date
- User defined notes
Undefined functionality
- There was a discussion to support a subset of Dublin Core metadata, but there are no specifics at this moment.
- It is conceivable that the Notes area can be used to extend metadata by supporting special syntax for custom key-value pairs.
Interaction Notes
- The metadata editor is pre-populated with the values specified during the creation of the book project in the Dashboard (see Decapod Dashboard for more information).
- This Metadata Editor may also contain fields that are not available during the book creation process in the Dashboard.
- The metadata editor dialog is modal.
- Error checking is performed on the date field to ensure proper formatting.
- Book title is the only required field, since the other values may not be available (for really old, rare, or damaged works).