Framework Functions

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Framework Functions

Documentation Migration

Beginning in version 1.3 of Infusion, these Framework Functions will be documented in our new Documentation space. This migration is currently in progress, and will be complete in time for the 1.3 release. At that time, this page will be deprecated in favor of the new pages.

If you have any comments on the new documentation format, feel free to let us know by emailing the infusion-users mailing list.

The Fluid framework includes a number of functions and utilities that component developers can avail themselves of. These are described below.


NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.accumulate

fluid.accumulate(list, fn, arg)


Scans through a list of objects, "accumulating" a value over them (may be a straightforward "sum" or some other chained computation). The results will be added to the initial value passed in by "arg" and returned.

To a Google developer, this would be "reduce", from the "map/reduce" pairing.


  • list {Array}: The list of objects to be accumulated over
  • fn {Function}: An "accumulation function" accepting the signature (object, total, index) where object is the list member, total is the "running total" object (which is the return value form the previous function), and index is the index number.
  • arg {Object}: The initial value for the "running total" object

Return Value

Object: the modified "arg" object

New in v1.3: fluid.allocateGuid()

Please see fluid.allocateGuid in the new Documentation space.

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.allocateSimpleId



Allocate an id to the supplied element if it has none already, by a simple scheme resulting in ids "fluid-id-nnnn" where nnnn is an increasing integer.


  • element {Element}: The element to place the id on.

Return Value

String: representing the id

New in v1.3: fluid.arrayToHash()

Please see fluid.arrayToHash in the new Documentation space.

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.byId

fluid.byId(id, dokkument)


Quickly retrieves an element, given its id.


  • id {Object}: The id of the DOM node to find
  • dokkument {Document}: the document in which it is to be found (if left empty, use the current document)

Return Value

Element: if it exists or
null: if there are no elements with the given id


See also: fluid:fluid.jById

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.clear



Clears an object or array of its contents. For objects, each property is deleted.


  • target {Object|Array}: Either an object or an array whose contents you wish to clear

Return Value

No Return Value



A special "marker object" which is recognized as one of the arguments to fluid:fluid.initSubComponents. This object is recognized by reference equality - where it is found, it is replaced in the actual argument position supplied to the specific subcomponent instance, with the particular options block for that instance attached to the overall "that" object.

In essence, it tells fluid.initSubComponents to look at the parent component's options block. If options were specified for this subComponent, they will be merged in for use by that subcomponent.

Constant Value

Constant: {}


See also: fluid:fluid.initSubComponents

New in v1.3: fluid.computeNickName()

Please see fluid.computeNickName in the new Documentation space.

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.container

fluid.container(containerSpec, fallible)


Fetches a single container element and returns it as a jQuery.


  • containerSpec {String|jQuery|Element}: An id string, a single-element jQuery, or a DOM element specifying a unique container.
  • New in v1.3: fallible {Boolean}: true if an empty container is to be reported as a valid condition.

Return Value

jQuery: a single-element jQuery of container

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.copy



Performs a deep copy (clone) of the object passed in the argument


  • tocopy {Object}: the object to be copied

Return Value

Object: the copied object

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.createDomBinder

fluid.createDomBinder(container, selectors)


Creates a new DOM Binder instance, used to locate elements in the DOM by name.


  • container {Object}: The root element in which to locate named elements
  • selectors {Object}: A collection of named jQuery selectors

Return Value

Object: representing the DOM Binder and containing all of its functions (i.e. locate, fastLocate, clear, and refresh)


See: DOM Binder

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.defaults



Centrally stores and retrieves a component's default settings.


  • {Boolean}: (optional) if true, manipulate a global option (for the head component) rather than instance options
  • {String}: componentName the name of the component
  • {Object}: (optional) a container of key/value pairs to set

Return Value

Object: If the object is passed in the argument, this is added to the central store and then returned. If not, the current object in the store is returned.


See: Markup Configuration and Selectors, Fluid Component API
See also: fluid:fluid.mergeComponentOptions

New in v1.3: fluid.demands()

Please see fluid.demands  in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.each()

Please see fluid.each in the new Documentation space.

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.emptySubcomponent



Construct a dummy or "placeholder" subcomponent, that optionally provides empty implementations for a set of methods.


  • options {Anything}: can be anything, will use jQuery.makeArray to turn it into an array

Return Value

Object: the empty subcomponent

fluid.event.getEventFirer(unicast, preventable)


Constructs an "event firer" object which can be used to register and unregister listeners, to which "events" can be fired. These events consist of an arbitrary function signature.


  • unicast {Boolean}: If true, this is a "unicast" event which may only accept a single listener.
  • preventable {Boolean}: If true, the return value of each handler will be checked for false in which case further listeners will be short circuited, and this will be the return value of fire().

Return Value


    addListener: function(listener, namespace, exclusions),
    removeListener: function(listener),
    fire: function()


See: Infusion Event System

New in v1.3: fluid.event.identifyListener()

Please see fluid.event.identifyListener in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.expandOptions()

Please see fluid.expandOptions in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.expect()

Please see fluid.expect in the new Documentation space.

fluid.expectFilledSelector(result, message)


Expect that an output from the DOM binder has resulted in a non-empty set of results. If none are found this function will fail with a diagnostic message, with the supplied message prepended.


  • result {jQuery}: The return value from the DOM Binder
  • message {String}: message to report if the results are empty

Return Value

No Return Value

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.fail



Causes an error message to be logged to the console and a real runtime error to be thrown.


  • message {String|Error}: The error message to log

Return Value

No Return Value


Please see fluid.fetchResources in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.fetchResources.primeCacheFromResources()

Please see fluid.fetchResources.primeCacheFromResources in the new Documentation space.

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.find

fluid.find(list, fn, deflt)


Scans through a list of objects, terminating on and returning the first member which matches a predicate function.


  • list In v1.2: {Array}: The list of objects to be searched.
    In v1.3: {Arrayable or Object}: The list or hash of objects to be searched.
  • fn {Function}: A predicate function, acting on a list member. A predicate which returns any value which is not null or undefined will terminate the search. The function has the signature (object, index).
  • deflt {Object}: A value to be returned in the case no predicate function matches a list member. The default will be the natural value of undefined.

Return Value

Object: the first object in the list that matches the predicate function, or deflt if nothing does

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.findAncestor

fluid.findAncestor(element, test)


Finds the nearest ancestor of the element that passes the test.


  • element {Element}: DOM element
  • test {Function}: A function which takes an element as a parameter and returns true or false for some test

Return Value

Element: the nearest ancestor that passes the test





See: fluid:fluid.keyForValue

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.freshContainer



Return an empty container as the same type as the argument (either an array or hash).


  • tocopy {Object}: The container to copy

NEW DOCUMENTATION: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.formatMessage

fluid.formatMessage(messageString, args)


Expand a message string with respect to a set of arguments, following a basic subset of the Java Message Format rules.

The message string is expected to contain replacement specifications such as {0}, {1}, {2}, etc.


  • messageString {String}: The message key to be expanded
  • args {String|Array of Strings}: An array of arguments to be substituted into the message.

Return Value

Return: String (the formatted String)


See: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html

new in v1.3: fluid.get(root, EL)


Evaluates an EL expression by fetching a dot-separated list of members recursively from a provided root.


  • root {Object}: The root data structure in which the EL expression is to be evaluated
  • EL {String}: The EL expression to be evaluated

Return Value

The fetched data value


See also: #fluid.set, fluid:fluid.model.getGlobalValue

fluid.getGlobalValue(path, env)


Evaluates an EL expression by fetching a dot-separated list of members recursively from the global environment.


  • path {String}: The EL expression to be evaluated
  • env {Object}: An optional "environment" if it contains any members at top level, will take priority over the global environment.

Return Value

The fetched data value.


See also: fluid:fluid.get



Retrieves the id attribute from a jQuery or pure DOM element


  • element {jQuery|Element}: The element to return the id attribute for

Return Value

String: representing the id

fluid.identity(element), fluid.dumpEl(element), fluid.renderTimestamp(element)


A basic utility that returns its argument unchanged.


  • element {jQueryable}: can be an element, selector, function that returns an element, or a jQuery.

Return Value

The original element.

New in v1.3: fluid.initDependent()

Please see fluid.initDependent in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.initDependents()

Please see fluid.initDependents in the new Documentation space.



Creates a new DOM Binder instance for the specified component and mixes it in.


  • that {Object}: The component instance to attach the new DOM Binder to

Return Value

No Return Value


See: DOM Binder

fluid.initLittleComponent(name, options)


Creates a new "little component": a that-ist object with options merged into it by the framework. This method is a convenience for creating small objects that have options but don't require full View-like features such as the DOM Binder or events


  • name {String}: The name of the little component to create
  • options {Object}: user-supplied options to merge with the defaults

fluid.initSubcomponent(that, className, args)


Provides a generic way of instantiating and configuring any "subcomponents" that may be a part of, or used by, a parent component. For example, this function is used by the Inline Edit component to instantiate the Undo decorator, a subcomponent that provides Undo functionality to components that support it.


  • that {Component}: The top-level component for which subcomponents are to be instantiated. It contains specifications for these subcomponents in its options structure.
  • className {String}: The "class name" or "category" for the subcomponents to be instantiated. A class name specifies an overall "function" for a class of subcomponents and represents a category which accept the name signature of instantiation arguments.
  • args {Array of Object}: The instantiation arguments to be passed to each constructed subcomponent. These will typically be members derived from the top-level "that" or perhaps globally discovered from elsewhere. One of these arguments may be fluid.COMPONENT_OPTIONS in which case this placeholder argument will be replaced by instance specific options configured into the member of the top-level options structure named for the className.

Return Value

Component: a single component


See: Subcomponents, fluid:fluid.initSubcomponents

fluid.initSubcomponents(that, className, args)


Initialize all the "subcomponents" which are configured to be attached to the supplied top-level component, which share a particular "class name".


  • that {Component}: The top-level component for which sub-components are to be instantiated. It contains specifications for these subcomponents in its options structure.
  • className {String}: The "class name" or "category" for the sub-components to be instantiated. A class name specifies an overall "function" for a class of sub-components and represents a category which accept the name signature of instantiation arguments.
  • args {Array of Object}: The instantiation arguments to be passed to each constructed sub-component. These will typically be members derived from the top-level "that" or perhaps globally discovered from elsewhere. One of theses arguments may be fluid.COMPONENT_OPTIONS in which case this placeholder argument will be replaced by instance specific options configured into the member of the top-level options structure named for the className.

Return Value

Array: of sub-components


See also: fluid:fluid.COMPONENT_OPTIONS, fluid:fluid.initSubcomponent

fluid.initView(componentName, container, userOptions)


The central initialization method called as the first act of every Fluid component. This function automatically merges user options with defaults, attaches a DOM Binder to the instance, and configures events.


  • componentName {String}: The unique "name" of the component, which will be used to fetch the default options from store. By recommendation, this should be the global name of the component's creator function.
  • container {jQueryable}: A specifier for the single root "container node" in the DOM which will house all the markup for this component. Can be an element, selector, function that returns an element, or a jQuery.
  • userOptions {Object}: The configuration options for this component.

Return Value

Component: the initialized component

fluid.instantiateFirers(that, options)


Sets up a component's declared events.

Events are specified in the options object by name. There are three different types of events tat can be specified.

  1. An ordinary multicast event, specified by "null"
  2. A unicast event, which allows only one listener to be registered
  3. A preventable event.


  • that {Object}: The component
  • options {Object}: The component's options structure, containing the declared event names and types.

Return Value

No Return Value


See: Infusion Event System

New in v1.3: fluid.invoke()

Please see fluid.fetchResources.invoke in the new Documentation space.

fluid.invokeGlobalFunction(functionPath, args, environment)


Allows for the calling of a global function from an EL expression "functionPath", with the arguments "args". For advanced use cases, the final argument "environment" can be used to specify a set of overrides lookups for certain root path segments.


  • functionPath {String}: An EL expression, referred to the global object root.
  • args {Array}: An array of arguments to be applied to the function, specified in functionPath
  • environment {Object}: (optional) A hash of root path segments to objects that can be used to override lookups to the global object. This would typically be used by the Fluid framework itself to direct lookups to the correct version of the root fluid object.

Return Value

Function: the function represented by "functionPath" with the "args" applied


See: fluid:fluid.initSubcomponents
See also: fluid:fluid.get

New in v1.3: fluid.iota()

Please see fluid.iota in the new Documentation space.

fluid.isArrayable (totest)

Determines whether the supplied object can be treated as an array, by iterating an index towards its length. The test functions by detecting
a property named "length" which is of type "number", but excluding objects
which are themselves of type "string".


  • totest {object}: The object to be tested.

Return Value

  • {Boolean} true if value can be treated as an array, otherwise false.

Applicable Infusion Versions

  • v1.3

New in v1.3: fluid.isMarker()

Please see fluid.isMarker in the new Documentation space.



Determines if the passed value is of a primitive type


  • value {Object}: The value to be tested

Return Value

Boolean: true if value is a primitive, otherwise false

fluid.jById(id, dokkument)


Will create a jQuery object from the id of a DOM node.


  • id {String}: id of the DOM node to find
  • dokkument {}: the document in which it is to be found (if left empty, use the current document)

Return Value

Object: a jQuery Object for the id or an empty list of the id doesn't exist


See also: fluid:fluid.byId

fluid.keyForValue(obj, value)


Searches through the supplied object for the first value which matches the one supplied.


  • obj {Object}: The Object to be searched through
  • value {Object}: The value to be found. This will be compared against the object's member using === equality

Return Value

String: representing the key for the passed value
null: if no key is found


See also: fluid:fluid:fluid.findKeyInObject



Log a message to a suitable environmental console. If the standard "console" stream is available, the message will be sent there - otherwise either the YAHOO logger or the Opera "postError" stream will be used. Logging must first be enabled with a call to...



  • str {String}: the message to log

Return Value

No Return Value


See also: fluid:fluid.setLogging

fluid.merge(policy, target)


Merge a collection of options structures onto a target, following an optional policy. This function is typically called automatically, as a result of an invocation of fluid.iniView(). The behaviour of this function is explained more fully on the page Options Merging for Infusion Components.


  • policy {Object/String}: A "policy object" specifying the type of merge to be performed. If policy is of type {String} it should take on the value "reverse" or "replace" representing a static policy. If it is an Object, it should contain a mapping of EL paths onto these String values, representing a fine-grained policy. If it is an Object, the values may also themselves be EL paths representing that a default value is to be taken from that path.
    New in v1.3: fluid.merge() now supports a policy of "preserve," which will preserve the actual source object. Any defaults will be merged into this object.
  • target {Object}: The options structure which is to be modified by receiving the merge results.
  • options1, options2, .... {Object} an arbitrary list of options structure which are to be merged "on top of" the target. These will not be modified.

Return Value

The modified target.


See: Options Merging for Infusion Components
See also: fluid:fluid.initView
See also: fluid:fluid.defaults

fluid.mergeComponentOptions(that, componentName, userOptions)


Merges the component's declared defaults, as obtained from fluid:fluid.defaults, with the user's specified overrides.

New in v1.3 (Sneak Peek): Will invoke any expanders that may be specified.


  • that {Object}: The instance to attach the options to
  • componentName {String}: The unique "name" of the component, which will be used to fetch the default options from store. By recommendation, this should be the global name of the component's creator function.
  • userOptions {Object}: The user-specified configuration options for this component

Return Value

No Return Value


See also: fluid:fluid.defaults
New in v1.3 (Sneak Peek) See also: fluid.expandOptions

fluid.mergeListeners(events, listeners)


Attaches the user's listeners to a set of events.


  • events {Object}: A collection of named event firers
  • listeners {Object}: Optional listeners to add

Return Value

No Return Value


(moved to fluidRenderer.js)


Converts a data structure consisting of a mapping of keys to message strings, into a "messageLocator" function which maps an array of message codes, to be tried in sequence until a key is found, and an array of substitution arguments into a substituted message string.


  • messageBase {Object}: The data structure of keys to message strings

Return Value

String: the substituted message string or an error message indicating that the message string for the key wasn't found

New in v1.3: fluid.messageResolver()

Please see fluid.messageResolver in the new Documentation space.

fluid.model.composePath(prefix, suffix)


Assembles a path by concatenating two String values, representing portions of the path, with a (.) separating them.


  • prefix {String}: A string representing the beginning of the path
  • suffix {String}: A string representing the end of the path

Return Value

String: representing the composed path

New in v1.3: fluid.model.composeSegments()

Please see fluid.model.composeSegments in the new Documentation space.

fluid.model.copyModel(target, source)


Copy a source "model" onto a target


  • target {Object}: the object to be extended with the source
  • source {Object}: the object to add onto the target

Return Value

No Return Value

fluid.model.getBeanValue(root, EL)

Deprecated: Please see #fluid.get instead.


Evaluates an EL expression by fetching a dot-separated list of members recursively from a provided root.


  • root {Object}: The root data structure in which the EL expression is to be evaluated
  • EL {String}: The EL expression to be evaluated
  • v1.2 and earlier: environment {Object}: (optional) if it contains any members at top level, will take priority over the root data structure. Will change the scope of the evaluation.
  • New in v1.3: config {Array of function}: (optional) An array of functions that will be used to filter or modify the retrieved value before it is returned.

Return Value

The fetched data value


See also: fluid:fluid.model.setBeanValue

fluid.model.getPenultimate(root, EL, environment, create)



  • root {Object}: The root data structure in which the EL expression is to be evaluated
  • EL {String}: The EL expression to be evaluated
  • environment {Object}: (optional) if it contains any members at top level, will take priority over the root data structure. Will change the scope of the evaluation.
  • create {boolean}: A boolean indicating whether or not the element hierarchy should be created if necessary for the given EL path.

Return Value

An object containing the root and the fetched data value.


See also: fluid:fluid.get



Parse an EL expression separated by periods (.) into its component segments.


  • EL {String}: The EL expression to be split

Return Value

Array: of Strings representing the path expressions

fluid.model.setBeanValue(root, EL, newValue)

Deprecated: Please see #fluid.get instead


Evaluates an EL expression by fetching a dot-separated list of members recursively from a provided root, and sets the value of the evaluated field.


  • root {Object}: The root data structure in which the EL expression is to be evaluated
  • EL {String}: The EL expression to be evaluated
  • newValue {Object}: the value to set the evaluated field to
  • v1.2 and earlier: environment {Object}: (optional) if it contains any members at top level, will take priority over the root data structure. Will change the scope of the evaluation.
  • New in v1.3: config {Array of function}: (optional) An array of functions that will be used to filter or modify the value before it is saved.

Return Value

No Return Value


See also: fluid:fluid.model.getBeanValue

New in v1.3: fluid.model.resolvePathSegment()

Please see fluid.model.resolvePathSegment in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.model.transformWithRules()

Please see fluid.model.transformWithRules in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.prettyPrintJSON()

Please see fluid.prettyPrintJSON in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.progressiveChecker()

Please see fluid.progressiveChecker in the new Documentation space.

fluid.registerGlobal(functionPath, func, env), fluid.registerGlobalFunction(functionPath, func, env)


Registers a new global function at a given path (currently assumes that it lies within the fluid namespace).


  • functionPath {String}: The desired EL patch.
  • func {Function}: The function to register
  • env {Object}

Return Value

Object: the modified "list". note that the original list is returned and it, itself is modified

fluid.registerNamespace(naimspace, env)


Ensures that an entry in the global namespace exists. If it is not found, it will be created.


  • naimspace {String}: The namespace.
  • env {Object}

Return Value

The found or created object.

NEW for v1.3: Please visit our new documentation space for updated documentation on fluid.remove_if

v1.2.x and earlier:

fluid.remove_if(list, fn)


Can traverse through a list of objects, removing those which match a predicate. Similar to jQuery.grep, only acts on the list in-place by removal, rather than by creating a new list by inclusion.


  • list {Array}: The list of objects to be scanned over
  • fn {Function}: A predicate function determining whether an element should be removed. This accepts the standard signature (object, index) and returns a "truthy" result in order to determine that the supplied object should be removed from the list.

Return Value

Object: the modified "list". note that the original list is returned and it, itself is modified

New in v1.3: fluid.render()

Please see fluid.render in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.renderer.createRendererFunction()

Please see fluid.renderer.createRendererFunction in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.renderer.makeProtoExpander()

Please see fluid.renderer.makeProtoExpander in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.renderer.mergeComponents()

Please see fluid.renderer.mergeComponents in the new Documentation space.

New in v1.3: fluid.renderer.selectorsToCutpoints()

Please see fluid.renderer.selectorsToCutpoints in the new Documentation space.

new in v1.3: fluid.set(root, EL, newValue)


Sets the value at an EL expression within a model.


  • root {Object}: The root data structure in which the EL expression is to be set
  • EL {String}: The EL expression to be set
  • newValue {String}: The new value

Return Value



See also: fluid:fluid.get



Method to allow the user to enable logging (off by default)


  • enabled {Boolean}: True to enable logging, False to disable logging

Return Value

No Return Value


See also: fluid:fluid.log

fluid.stringTemplate(template, values)

Please see fluid.stringTemplate in the new Documentation space



Transforms a list of objects, by one or more functions. Similar to jQuery.map, it will only accept an arbitrary list of transformation functions.


  • list {Array}: The initial array of objects to be transformed.
  • functions {Function}: An arbitrary number of optional further arguments, all of type Function, accepting the signature (object, index), where object is the "list" member to be transformed, and index is its index in "list". Every function passed in the arguments, will be applied onto every object in "list". After a function is called on an object in "list", that object is replaced by the return value of the function.

Return Value

Array: the transformed set of objects



If the object is a jQuery, then return the first DOM element within it.


  • obj {jQuery}: The jQuery instance to unwrap into a pure DOM element

Return Value

Element: if obj is a jQuery containing a single element
Object: if obj is not a jQuery containing a single element, it will return obj


See also: fluid:fluid.wrap



A String constant representing the version of the Fluid Framework in use.

Constant Value

Constant: String (i.e. "Infusion 1.0")



Wraps an object in a jQuery if it isn't already one. This function is useful since it ensures to wrap a null or otherwise falsy argument to itself, rather than the jQuery default of returning the overall document node.


  • obj {Object}: the object to wrap inside of a jQuery

Return Value

jQuery: obj wrapped inside a jQuery object
Object: if obj is falsy, obj itself is returned.


See also: fluid:fluid.unwrap


fluid.dom.cleanseScripts(element) As of v1.2, moved to ReordererDomUtilities.js


Cleanses the children of a DOM node by removing all <script> tags. This is necessary to prevent the possibility that these blocks are reevaluated if the node were reattached to the document.


  • element {Element}: The parent element to begin removing <script> tags from.

Return Value

No Return Value

fluid.dom.cleanseScripts.MARKER As of v1.2, moved to ReordererDomUtilities.js


Used to indicate that the DOM node has been stripped of all <script> tags

Constant Value

Constant: "fluid-scripts-cleansed"


See also: fluid:fluid.dom.cleanseScripts

fluid.dom.computeAbsolutePosition(element) As of v1.2, moved to ReordererDomUtilities.js


Returns the absolute position of a supplied DOM node in pixels. Implementation taken from quirksmode http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html


  • element {Element}: The element whose location is returned

Return Value

Array: containing the absolute position coordinates

[curleft, curtop]


See: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html



Gets the element text from the supplied DOM node


  • element {Element}: the element to return the text from

Return Value

String: the element text

fluid.dom.insertAfter(newChild, refChild) As of v1.2, moved to ReordererDomUtilities.js


Inserts newChild as the next sibling of refChild.


  • newChild {Element}: the new element to insert
  • refChild {Element}: the element to insert newChild after

Return Value

No Return Value

fluid.dom.isContainer(container, containee)


Checks if the specified container is actually the parent of containee.


  • container {Element}: the potential parent
  • conatainee {Element}: the child in question

Return Value

Boolean: true if container is a parent of containee, otherwise false.

fluid.dom.isIgnorableNode(node) As of v1.2, moved to ReordererDomUtilities.js


Determine if a node should be ignored by the iterator functions. A text node that is all whitespace and comment nodes should all be ignored.


  • node {Element}: representing the DOM1 Node interface

Return Value

Boolean: true if the node is a Text node that is all whitespace or a comment node, otherwise false.

See: http://developer.mozilla.org/En/Whitespace_in_the_DOM

fluid.dom.isWhitespaceNode(node) As of v1.2, moved to ReordererDomUtilities.js


Determine whether a node's text content is entirely whitespace


  • node {Element}: a node implementing the CharacterData interface (i.e., a Text, Comment, or CDATASection node

Return Value

Boolean: true if all of the text content of node is whitespace, otherwise false.

See: http://developer.mozilla.org/En/Whitespace_in_the_DOM

fluid.dom.iterateDom(node, acceptor, allNodes)


Walks the DOM, applying the specified acceptor function to each element. There is a special case for the acceptor, allowing for quick deletion of elements and their children.


  • node {Element}: a node to start walking the DOM from
  • acceptor {Function}: the function to invoke with each DOM element. If the return value is "delete", the element in question will be deleted. If the return value is "stop" the iteration will be terminated
  • New in v1.1: allNodes {Boolean}: use true to call acceptor on all nodes, rather than just element nodes (type 1)

Return Value

No Return Value



This is provided as a work around for IE's circular DOM issue. This is the default max DOM depth in IE.

Constant Value

Constant: 256



RendererUtilities.js (new in v1.3)

New in v1.3: fluid.initRendererComponent()

Please see fluid.initRendererComponent in the new Documentation space.

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