Archived Cards
Archived Cards
These cards have been completed or cancelled. See the Iteration Plan for details.
- 0.4 Design Updates
- Add an Activities or News section to the website where we can share works in progress and accomplishments
- Build a co-design techniques palette
- Create a List of Coding Tools Research Questions
- Create a list of potential participants
- Create a one-page website for the project
- Create an annotated list of existing accessible coding tools and initiatives
- Create and share a collection of storyboards or other design resources that describe the design approaches we're considering
- Create co-design activities
- Design of Open Resource Repository
- Drawing with the robot
- Editable program
- First release of programming environment
- Hold co-design session(s) in schools
- Hold co-design sessions at summer camps
- Plan our presence at the Kids Digital Festival
- Programming interface for touch, eye gaze, and switch access Part 1
- Scene in the Coding Environment
- Select and set up collaboration tools
- Select and set up daily remote communication tools
- Simplest interpreter that could possibly work
- Technology Infrastructure Environmental Scan
- Turtle graphics
- Visual presentation of the program