Create a List of Coding Tools Research Questions

Create a List of Coding Tools Research Questions

Size: (weeks of effort)


As researcher for this project, I should be access a list of coding tools that are currently being used at schools, and learn about each one’s strengths and limitations.


List of coding tools research questions need to include:

  • Questions about the current coding tools

  • Limitations and challenges of these tools

  • Advantages and strengths of the current tools

  • How teachers are using these tools and if they are making any adjustments, adaptations

  • How students respond to these tools

  • What’s their wish list? What do they want to do that they can’t do with the current tools

  • Whether they have used these coding tools with students with special needs

This list should be shared with the IDRC and Bridges team for feedback.



  • No dependency if done informally or through Bridges

  • Requires REB approval if done formally (e.g. Surveys, interviews, etc.) and through IDRC

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