Simple Text Inline Edit API

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Simple Text Inline Edit API

Inline Edit Overview

The Inline Edit allows users to edit content within the context of their work rather than going to an "edit mode". It can be applied to any text, assuming a very simple contract is maintained:

  1. The elements that are part of the Inline Edit component have some kind of container element.
  2. The text you wish to make editable is within the component container.

You can optionally provide your own markup that will be used for the edit mode, but if not, default markup is provided.


Creating a single Inline Edit

fluid.inlineEdit(componentContainer, options);

Return: The Inline Edit component object.

Creating Multiple Inline Edits

fluid.inlineEdits(componentContainer, options);

Return: An array of the Inline Edit component objects.

This function will find any elements within the given container that are identified as 'editables' and apply the Inline Edit component to them.


This component is in Production status

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The componentContainer parameter is a selector, a single-element jQuery, or a DOM element specifying the root DOM node of the Inline Edit markup.


The options parameter is an optional data structure that configures the Inline Edit component(s), as described below in the fluid:Options section.

Supported Events

The Inline Edit component fires the following events (for more information about events in the Fluid Framework, see Events for Component Users):





Parameter Description



This event is fired once the inline edit component is initialized.


editor: the instance of the editor component



This event is fired any time the model for the component has changed, that is, any time the value of the text associated with the component has changed.

(model, oldModel, source)

model: The current (new) value of the "model" structure representing the editable state of the component
oldModel: A snapshot of the old value of the model structure before the current edit operation started
source: An arbitrary object which optionally represents the "source" of the change, which can be checked by listeners to prevent cyclic events. Can often be undefined.



This event fires just before the component switches from 'view' mode into 'edit' mode. Because the event is preventable, listeners may prevent the component from actually entering edit mode.





This event fires just after the component has finished entering 'edit' mode.





This event fires just before the component switches out of 'edit' mode, i.e. before the newly edited value is stored in the model. Because the event is preventable, listeners may prevent the new value from being stored in the model, i.e. they may cancel the edit.

(newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode)

newValue, oldValue: see parameters for modelChanged (model, oldModel)
editNode: A DOM node which holds the concrete editable control - this may vary in interpretation for different embodiments of the InlineEdit control but may, for example be an <input>, <textarea> or <select> node,
viewNode: A DOM node which holds the read-only representation of the editable value.



This event fires just after the newly edited value is stored in the model. Note that it only fires if the onFinishEdit event did not prevent the new value from being stored in the model.

newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode

(newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode): See description for onFinishEdit


These functions are defined on the central that object returned from the inlineEdit construction function - for example with

var that = fluid.inlineEdit(componentContainer, options);

Switches the component into edit mode. The events onBeginEdit and afterBeginEdit will fire.


Switches the component out of edit mode into display mode, updating the displayed text with the current content of the edit field. The events onFinishEdit and afterFinishEdit will fire. If the model value has changed, there will be a call to modelUpdated in between these calls.


Cancels the in-progress edit and switches back to view mode.


Determines if the component is currently in edit mode: Returns true if edit mode is shown, false if view mode is shown.


Updates the state of the inline editor in the DOM, based on changes that may have happened to the model.


Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the tooltip is enabled.

  * Pushes external changes to the model into the inline editor, refreshing its
  * rendering in the DOM. The modelChanged event will fire.
  * @param {String} newValue The bare value of the model, that is, the string being edited
  * @param {Object} source An optional "source" (perhaps a DOM element) which triggered this event
that.updateModelValue(newValue, source);

Updates the component's internal representation of the text to a new value. If the value differs from the existing value, the modelChanged event will fire and the component will be re-rendered.

  * Pushes external changes to the model into the inline editor, refreshing its
  * rendering in the DOM. The modelChanged event will fire.
  * @param {Object} newValue The full value of the new model, that is, a model object which
  *      contains the editable value as the element named "value"
  * @param {Object} source An optional "source" (perhaps a DOM element) which triggered this event
that.updateModel(newValue, source);

Similar to updateModelValue, only accepts specification of the overall model object (housing the editable value under the key value).


Not a function, but a data structure. This directly represents the "model" or state of the editable component. External users should consider this structure as read-only, and only make modifications through the updateModel call above.


The following options to the creator functions can be used to customize the behaviour of the Inline Edit component:






Javascript object containing selectors for various fragments of the Inline Edit component.

The object can contain any subset of the following keys:
  textEditButton (New in v1.3)
Any values not provided will revert to the default.

selectors: {
    text: ".flc-inlineEdit-text",
    editContainer: ".flc-inlineEdit-editContainer",
    edit: ".flc-inlineEdit-edit",
    textEditButton: ".flc-inlineEdit-textEditButton"  // New in v1.3

NOTE: The default editModeRenderer uses the default selector ".flc-inlineEdit-edit". If you are using the default editModeRenderer, do not over-ride this selector.

New in v1.3:

Configuration of short messages and strings which the component uses in its UI

key-value structure with string values

strings: {
    textEditButton: "Edit text %text",
    editModeInstruction: "Press Escape to cancel, Enter or Tab when finished."


JavaScript object containing listeners to be attached to the supported events.

Keys in the object are event names, values are functions or arrays of functions.

See fluid:Supported Events


Javascript object containing CSS style names that will be applied to the Inline Edit component.

The object can contain any subset of the following keys:
  emptyDefaultViewText (New in v1.3)
  editModeInstruction (New in v1.3)
  displayView (New in v1.3)
  textEditButton (New in v1.3)
Any values not provided will revert to the default.

styles: {
    text: "fl-inlineEdit-text",
    edit: "fl-inlineEdit-edit",
    invitation: "fl-inlineEdit-invitation",
    defaultViewStyle: "fl-inlineEdit-emptyText-invitation",
    emptyDefaultViewText: "fl-inlineEdit-emptyDefaultViewText",
    focus: "fl-inlineEdit-focus",
    tooltip: "fl-inlineEdit-tooltip",
    editModeInstruction: "fl-inlineEdit-editModeInstruction", // New in v1.3
    displayView: "fl-inlineEdit-simple-editableText fl-inlineEdit-textContainer", // New in v1.3
    textEditButton: "fl-offScreen-hidden" // New in v1.3

NOTE: The default editModeRenderer uses the default style fl-inlineEdit-edit. If you are using the default editModeRenderer, do not over-ride this style.


Javascript object containing pixel values that will configure the size of the edit field.

The object can contain any subset of the following keys:
Any values not provided will revert to the default.

paddings: {
    edit: 10,
    minimumEdit: 80,
    minimumView: 60


Indicates whether the values stored for edit and minimumEdit will be applied to the edit mode or ignored




Determines whether receiving an "Enter" keypress will cause the component to finish editing and commit the changed value. If this is given a direct value true or false, the value will be honoured. If the value is left at undefined, the default behaviour will be inferred from the tag peering with the editField selector - a <input>> tag will cause submission, whereas a <textarea> will not.



New in v1.3:

A function that calls upon the markup corresponding to the display mode of the component.

function - InlineEditRenderer
See #InlineEdit Types for more info.

defaultDisplayModeRenderer, a function that creates the displayModeRenderer


A function that creates or recognises the markup corresponding to the editable view of the component. The function is intended to inspect the state of the existing markup, and if it is "incomplete" in some way, to fill in the required fields. In all cases, the function returns a structure

return {
  container: [jQuery],
  field: [jQuery]

where container is a container element for the edit field and field is the editable field itself. The value held within field is intended to be stored and retrieved in the document using the editAccessor function, which is a ViewAccessor

function - InlineEditRenderer
See #InlineEdit Types for more info.

defaultEditModeRenderer, a function that creates the edit field based on the following template:

<span><input type='text' class='flc-inlineEdit-edit fl-inlineEdit-edit'/></span>


A ViewAccessor, or name of one, which is used to store and retrieve the editable value from the read-only view of the control, peering with the tag referenced by the selector text. The standard accessor uses the standard jQuery functions val or text depending on the tag type.

See #InlineEdit Types for more info.



A InlineEditView, or name of one, which is used to operate the implementation of the refreshView method as applied to the read-only view of the component. This contains a single method named refreshView which brings the state of this view in line with the component's model, performing any work (in general, dealing with any default text) in addition to the raw value-fetching work done by the displayAccessor

See #InlineEdit Types for more info.



As for displayAccessor, but for use when the editable view of the component is shown

See #InlineEdit Types for more info.



As for displayView, but for use when the editable view of the component is shown

See #InlineEdit Types for more info.



For editRenderer s which are particularly expensive, for example, those which instantiate a rich text editing component, it is valuable to delay their rendering until they are required. Setting lazyEditView to true will ensure that the editRenderer is not triggered until the component is sent into edit mode.




A function which acts on the overall component to bind a handler for the blur event received on the editable view. For integrations where the editable view is a complex collection of elements, such as dropdown inlineEdit, this needs to take an arbitrary form. A standard implementation is provided as fluid.deadMansBlur which will infer that focus is leaving a set of elements if none of them receives a focus after a blur within a 150 millisecond horizon




Indicates whether or not to automatically select the editable text when the component switches into edit mode.




The default text to use when filling in an empty component. Set to empty to suppress this behaviour


"Click here to edit"


Indicates whether or not the component should display a custom ("invitation") tooltip on mouse hover




The text to use for the tooltip to be displayed when hovering the mouse over the component


"Click item to edit"


The id to be used for the DOM node holding the tooltip




The delay, in ms, between starting to hover over the component and showing the tooltip



Additional options for Multiple Inline Edits

The options for the creation of multiple Inline Edits are the same as those for the creation of a single Inline Edit, with the addition of a selector for identifying the editable elements. The default selector is defined as follows:

selectors: {
    editables: ".flc-inlineEditable"

InlineEdit Types

Several of the InlineEdit configuration elements make use of various "Implicit" or "Duck Typed" objects which have particular structures or signatures.


This component can be skinned "out of the box" when you include the component's CSS files. Just be sure to put the following in your document:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="components/inlineEdit/css/InlineEdit.css" />


The Inline Edit dependencies can be met by including the minified InfusionAll.js file in the header of the HTML file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="InfusionAll.js"></script>

Alternatively, the individual file requirements are:

<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/core/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/ui/js/jquery.ui.core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/ui/js/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script>  <!-- New in v1.3 -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/ui/js/jquery.ui.position.js"></script>  <!-- New in v1.3 -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/plugins/tooltip/js/jquery.tooltip.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="framework/core/js/FluidDocument.js"></script>  <!-- New in v1.3 -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="framework/core/js/jquery.keyboard-a11y.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="framework/core/js/Fluid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="framework/core/js/DataBinding.js"></script>  <!-- New in v1.4 -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="components/tooltip/js/Tooltip.js"></script>  <!-- New in v1.3 -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="components/inlineEdit/js/InlineEdit.js"></script>