Documentation for a historical release of Infusion: 1.3
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Inline Edit Events





Parameter Description



This event is fired once the inline edit component is initialized.


editor: the instance of the editor component



This event is fired any time the model for the component has changed, that is, any time the value of the text associated with the component has changed.

(model, oldModel, source)

model: The current (new) value of the "model" structure representing the editable state of the component
oldModel: A snapshot of the old value of the model structure before the current edit operation started
source: An arbitrary object which optionally represents the "source" of the change, which can be checked by listeners to prevent cyclic events. Can often be undefined.



This event fires just before the component switches from 'view' mode into 'edit' mode. Because the event is preventable, listeners may prevent the component from actually entering edit mode.





This event fires just after the component has finished entering 'edit' mode.





This event fires just before the component switches out of 'edit' mode, i.e. before the newly edited value is stored in the model. Because the event is preventable, listeners may prevent the new value from being stored in the model, i.e. they may cancel the edit.

(newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode)

newValue, oldValue: see parameters for modelChanged (model, oldModel)
editNode: A DOM node which holds the concrete editable control - this may vary in interpretation for different embodiments of the InlineEdit control but may, for example be an <input>, <textarea> or <select> node,
viewNode: A DOM node which holds the read-only representation of the editable value.



This event fires just after the newly edited value is stored in the model. Note that it only fires if the onFinishEdit event did not prevent the new value from being stored in the model.

newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode

(newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode): See description for onFinishEdit