Simple Inline Edit Screenreader a11y

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Simple Inline Edit Screenreader a11y

This is a living document.

We're using this matrix to evaluate Inline Edit's current accessibility to screen readers, and to experiment with accessibility patches. See FLUID-2652.

Interaction Task Description

  1. a. Using the screen reader, read a sentence that contains the inline edit. b. Activate the inline edit, make a change to the text, and save the text.
  2. Undo an edit
  3. Redo an edit

Demo Description

  1. Current daily build functional demo. The ARIA-role of "button" is added to the inline editable area.
  2. role=textbox, title & label for inlineEdit
  3. role=button, title & label for inlineEdit
  4. Proposed patch

Screenreader response matrix

Screen reader / Version no / ARIA-support?

Browser / ARIA-support?

Demo used

Interaction task

Screen reader response

JAWS / 10 / Yes

FF3 / Yes




JAWS / 10 / Yes

FF2 /

JAWS / 10 / Yes

IE 8 /

JAWS / 10 / Yes

IE 7 /

JAWS / 7 / No

FF3 / Yes



a. "The quick brown fox jumped [fluid: short pause ] over the lazy dogs BUTTON and then dot dot dot."

b. to do

Notes: "over the lazy dogs" is the text nested within the element that contains the inline edit class. Some JAWS users in user testing were confused that an editable area was a button, because that was not the behaviour they expected of a button.
A button role may also be inappropriate because after the button is activated, JAWS does not announce the "edit" or "type in text" cues that happen when an element's role is a text input.

JAWS / 7 / No

FF3 / Yes



Notes: A sighted user could tab to each inline edit and make changes. When a change is made and enter is pressed, JAWS announces the changes made. At the same time, a sighted user will see a "undo" link appear but the screen reader does not announce the presence of the undo link. The undo link is not perceivable to the screen reader unless the user hits tab, in which case they hear "undo link" but the changes that are undone are not announced.

JAWS / 7 / No

FF3 / Yes



Similarly inacceesible as with task 2. Changes that are redone are not announced.

JAWS / 7 / No

FF2 /

JAWS / 7 / No

IE 8 / 

JAWS / 7 / No

IE 7 / 



a. "The quick brown fox jumped short pause over the lazy dogs and then dot dot dot."
b. To-do
Notes: a user hearing this sentence receives no cues that there is an inline edit.

JAWS / 7 / No

IE 7 / 



Notes: A sighted user could tab to each inline edit and make changes. When a change is made and enter is pressed, JAWS announces the changes made. At the same time, a sighted user will see a "undo" link appear but the screen reader does not announce the presence of the undo link. The undo link is not perceivable to the screen reader unless the user hits tab, in which case they hear "undo link" but the changes that are undone are not announced.

JAWS / 7 / No

IE 7 / 



Similarly inacceesible as with task 2. Changes that are redone are not announced.

Windows Eyes / 5/ No

FF3 / Yes

Screen reader doesn't work w/ this version of FF.

Windows Eyes / 5/ No

FF2 /

Windows Eyes / 5/ No

IE 8 / 

Notes: we navigate using the arrow keys. Navigating using the number pad didn't announce interactive elements.
a. "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs BUTTON and then"
b. "mso mode off. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs. And then. Edit box." Press ENTER. [fluid:makes a change to "over the lazy cats"]. After press ENTER, it reads the "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cats EDIT BOX"

Windows Eyes / 5/ No

IE 7 / 


2 (3 not possible)

a. Loaded the page and heard the following: "Example 1 ... The quick brown fox jumped EDIT BOX over the lazy dogs and then"
b. Used arrow keys to navigate. Key down: "The quick brown fox jumped" - arrow key down again: "EDIT BOX over the lazy dogs"
Task 1:
after b. pressed ENTER to activate edit mode: "MS MODE OFF over the lazy dogs EDIT BOX"; had to press ENTER again to be able to edit: "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs EDIT BOX"
Task 2:
Changed dogs to cats and pressed ENTER to safe: "over the lazy cats" - pressed CTRL-SHIFT-A to activate browse mode. Heared "and then undo LINK"
Used return to activate link. Redo worked but nothing detected by screen reader!
Task 3:
Not able to do noting recognized. If I navigate with the arrow keys back the screen reader reads "over the lazy cats" and "undo LINK"
The redo action is not detected by the screenreader at all

Windows Eyes / 7.1/ No

FF3 / Yes



a. "The quick brown fox jumped EDITBOX over the lazy dogs"
b. Press Enter. "BROWSE OFF. Over the lazy dogs EDIT BOX." Press Enter. "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs EDIT BOX." [fluid:make a change to "over the lazy cats"] After you press enter, it reads the new text, e.g. "Over the lazy cats EDIT BOX".

Windows Eyes / 7.1/ No

FF2 /

Windows Eyes / 7.1/ No

IE 8 / 

Windows Eyes / 7.1/ No

IE 7 / 


FF3 / Yes


FF2 /

Some useful resources:
Window-Eyes for JAWS users