Contributing to Virtual Healthcare Guidelines and Software Approaches

Contributing to Virtual Healthcare Guidelines and Software Approaches

If you would like to communicate with the project team or ask questions about the Intelligent User Interfaces and Guidelines for Vulnerable Populations project and any resources provided in this wiki, please get in touch with us through the fluid-work mailing list and/or our Matrix channels. Please note that other topics are discussed in these forums, so please be sure to introduce yourself and the topic you would like to discuss.

You can also leave us a comment here by signing up for an account on this wiki and then use the comment feature on this page.

Contributing to the guide

Anyone can contribute to the Guide for Reducing Barriers to Virtual Healthcare by becoming a Fluid Wiki editor which is done by signing up for an account. Editorial oversight will be provided by the collective Fluid community.

Mailing lists

The mailing list provides a way to have threaded conversations about particular topics. Unlike the wiki, it provides a way to actively "ping" the community. Everyone is welcome to join the mailing list and no matter where you join us, you will reach our community! 



The project uses the Matrix communication protocol for collaborative discussions. It provides a messaging experience similar to Slack.

Recommended Client

Element is the default client for accessing Matrix and provides desktop, mobile, and web apps.

Occasionally the Element desktop app can get stuck trying to send or receive a message. We've found that if you run into these kinds of issues, opening Settings, selecting "Help & About", and clicking the button that says "Clear cache and reload" under the "Advanced" section may resolve the problem.

Other Clients

See "Clients | Matrix.org" for a list of other clients

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