URL: http://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/ City / Country: Lyon / France Theme: Art Languages: Français / English (limited) Platforms: Web Web accessibility: WCAG-1.0 WAI W3C Outstanding characteristics: User comments. All website pages contain user comments. User can send a comment, read other visitor's comment, or view a list of comments available. Maps Floorplanhttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/entete/infos_pratiques/plan-musee/plan_pratique Interactive 3d floorplan. There is a menu that contains a list of features available on every floor. When user clicks on it, he can see each issue location, and its related images. Virtual visithttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/modeleMBAFlash?flash=visite.swf&title=Visite virtuelle&displayPrint=0&view_zoom=1&width=570&height=350 3d sequence that shows a brief tour by the museum exteriors. Exhibitions Collectionshttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/collections-musee/chefs-oeuvre/plan1988/plan_chefs_d_oeuvre Collections are divided by genders. Every section contains basically 4 groups of information: Presentationhttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/collections-musee/peintures/departement4598 Textual information. Oeuvres choisieshttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/collections-musee/peintures/oeuvres-peintures Visual index of pieces, distributed in some pages. User can also access directly to a subsection by means of a pull-down menu. link Pieces' information pages can contain variable information, depending on the case: - A main image of the piece, with other views if available
- Textual information. In some cases, some of the words are clickable, to offer more information that appears on a new layer.
- Additional information (En savoir +), in different formats (textual, images, ...)
GOOD PRACTICE User can write a comment that is displayed on the page to be seen by other website visitors. link Un peu d'histoirelink History of the museum related to each gender. Planhttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/collections-musee/peintures/plan4443/plan_peintures Floorplan of the section of the museum that allocates pieces of the selected gender. User can see where each piece is (and link to piece's page), and select a subsection. Exhibitionshttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/expositions-musee/actualite Information about current and past exhibitions. User can make an online reservation (http://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/formulaires/reservations_adultes/) Resources Scholarshipslink Downloadable activity cards (pdf format). Dossiers pédagogiqueslink Html-based pedagogic dossiers related to specific exhibitions. Publications du muséelink Pdf version of the museum publications. Visit planning Agendahttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/entete/agenda Calendar of museum activities and exhibitions. Contains a searching feature. Visit follow-up GOOD PRACTICE User can write a comment that is displayed on the page to be seen by other website visitors (link) No online community features. Mobile features No features for mobile devices. Searching & browsing Hierarchical menu with three levels appears on the top of the pages. Searchhttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/recherche?recherche_field=egypte Simple search feature. No advanced search available. Site maphttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/entete/sitemap Clickable hierarchical map. Subscription http://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/infos/flux_rss/ http://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/lettres_d_informatio/ Email newsletter. Subscription only requires user to send his email. Online transactions Exhibitions - Online reservationhttp://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/sections/fr/formulaires/reservations_adultes/ Online form. Outstanding best practices lnk All website pages contain user comments. User can send a comment, read other visitor's comment, or view a list of comments available. User can also deactivate / activate comments visualization. |