
Completed February 2008 by Erin Yu


  • When asked to find a specific student, all users tried to type in the given name in the Find field and do a search.
  • All users wanted to increase the page size, to varied extent. Tech-savvy users tend to look for "Show All" option.
  • When they are given the total number of pages, they are likely to notice the how many pages there are first (rather than how many items they are), and finds this helpful.


Non-tech-savvy user feedback

Tech-savvy user feedback

Design 1

Female, 21-25
Use "Find"
Prefer to click on page number (vs. next/prev buttons)
Noticed number of items
Prefers number of pages rather than number of items
Would increase the page size

Male, 26-30
Use "Find"
Prefer to click on page number (vs. next/prev buttons)
Noticed number of items
Prefers number of items
Wants "Show All" option

Design 2

Female, 26-30
Use "Find"
Prefers to show more items per page (200)
Would click on page numbers to go next/previous
Noticed number of pages (vs. number of items)

Male, 26-30
Use "Find"
Wants "Show All" option. Prefers to always show all, and scroll.
Would use next/previous buttons to go next/previous
Noticed number of pages (vs. number of items)

Design 3

Female, 21-25
Use "Find"
Would increase number of items per page to fit the page
Would rather click >, < to browse than guess a page, type a page number, or scroll

Male, 26-30
Use "Find"
Wants "Show All" option
Prefers number of items to number of pages
Would rather maximize the page size (or Show All) and scroll if the connection is fast enough



This test should discover:

Success Criteria

A successful design has been achieved when:


Method and test coordinator script.


Interaction Design

Underlying design patterns and description of component behavior.

See the Results pages for the interaction designs used in each round:

Test Environment

Location and version of the environment that was used. Attach a screenshot of the environment at the time of testing if the environment will change over time.

See the Results pages for the prototypes used in each round:


Full notes and analysis of the user tests.

Pager User Testing - Round 1-1 Results


Pager User Testing - Round 1-2 Results


Pager User Testing - Round 1-3 Results
