Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


- Tapping left/right arrows on the artifact image should allow cycling through multiple artifact images of the same artifact
- Images should slide in and out, with everything else on the page remaining fixed
- This functionality should be available for both the standard view and fullscreen view
- Additionally, on the fullscreen view, tapping the image should slide in the next image

General functionality

Storycard 1: Allow expandable/collapsible panels (audio & video, comments)


Audio/video functionality



1: Display list of audio and video content

- Each audio/video element should show:
  1) A thumbnail for video, and icon for audio
  2) The text "AUDIO" or "VIDEO", for audio and video, respectively
  3) A short title
  4) Length of the audio/video clip
- Tapping on an audio/video element plays the respective clip [in mobile Safari's native media player]

Comments functionality

Storycard 1: Display list of comments

- Show the first three comments initially
- Each comment element should show:
  1) The commenter's name and location (or "anonymous" if that data is not available)
  2) The date of the comment
  3) The full comment (no truncation)
  4) "Report abuse", if the comment is not the user's own; "Delete" if the comment is the user's own
  5) A "YOU" indicator, if the comment is the user's own


- Comment list is initially three comments long
- Tapping "Load 10 more comments" extends the current list by 10 comments
- See "Guidelines... for list extensionelement expansion/contraction" for interaction behavior with the extension button
- Number of comments loaded should persist between collapse and re-expansions, until the user leaves the current artifact (i.e., if 23 comments were loaded, collapsing and re-expanding the panel should display the same 23 comments; if the user leaves the current artifact, and re-visits even in the current session, only the initial 3 comments should be visible)
- "Current artifact" consists of the default artifact screen and its elements, the full screen artifact image view, and the related artifacts view

Storycard 4: Allow reporting abuse

- Tapping on "Report abuse" on a comment changes the text to "Abuse reported. Pending moderator review.", which is static text that persists through the session (i.e., returning to the same comment later in the same session would show "Abuse reported. Thank you!")
- On the moderator's side, the list of reported comments abuse should be updated to either: a) include said comment, if it does not already exist on the list, or b) increase the abuse counter for said comment, if it already exists on the list

Storycard 5: Allow deleting one's own comment

- For one's own comment (indicated by "YOU" beside the comment title), allow deletion of said comment
- Tapping on "Delete" removes the comment (with a slide shutting animation) without a confirmation dialogue (i.e., one-click delete)

Related artifacts functionality
