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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

N.B.: We lost the audio/video data for participants 5 and 6 reality and task-based testing. The notes under those sections are brief because I've relied on the limited notes I took during moderation.

I. Reality testing

P refers to participant. M refers to moderator. Quotes are paraphrased, not verbatim. Side notes/observations in round brackets. Initial thoughts in square brackets.

  • P started by going to Exhibitions, did not notice object code entry option
  • P: "Not sure if the device is providing information for the exhibition"
  • P spending a significant amount of time looking at objects without the use of the device (possibly looking for cues in the space to use the device?)
  • Tapped on 'Being Irish' exhibition (it's first on the exhibitions list in English; not sure if P is aware which exhibition she's actually in)
  • Browsing through catalogue of 'Being Irish'
  • Went back to home screen, browsed to object code entry screen
  • P: "But what is the code?" (confused about where to find numbers)
  • Participant tapped in a random but valid code---not of the object in front of her
  • Went back to code entry screen, and staying there for several moments (looking for something to enter?)
  • P alternated between going to Exhibitions and object code entry screens (seems a bit confused about where to go)
  • P observes and notes the object code label beside a physical artifact (this label had an extended text icon)
  • P: "What is that for? Is it for reading a book?"
  • P tried pressing the physical label as though it were a button
  • P: "It's not a button"
  • P eventually makes the link between object code label and entry after a few more moments, and successfully arrives at artifact view of the object in front of her
  • P in front of curling stone object, and enters the appropriate object code
  • P scrolls through the information and watches video
  • P notes pictures from videos, and looks for them in the space (to no avail)
  • Continues browsing curling stone artifact view after the video is complete
  • Browses through related artifacts

II. Task-based testing

P refers to participant. M refers to moderator. Quotes are paraphrased, not verbatim. Side notes/observations in round brackets. Initial thoughts in square brackets.

  • P looking at object in physical space (photograph reprint) and of object in digital space (photo of negative slate), and notes that they're not the same
  • Collected the object. M: "What do you think that does?"---P: "For looking at it later"
  • Collects if it's interesting to her or she thinks it'd be interesting to friends
  • On video of foot warmer:
  • Expected more from the video
  • Liked how the video explained its use, but was not impressed that it used just one still image with audio [what's the difference between having an artifact image on screen + audio, and a  'video' with a still image and audio track?]
  • Spends time looking both at actual artifact and the video (roughly 50-50)
  • P notes (for the first time) that the performance is slow
  • P appears patient (at least verbally), but taps a lot on the screen
  • On sending collection to self:
  • P: "Did I send it properly?" (there was no feedback)

III. Interview notes

Bullet numbers correspond to the interview question number.
