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Christina Gibbs, Assistant Registrar
- has the expertise with TMS
- has contact with Jay of gallery systems (TMS)
- role: manage logistics of collection, loans, shipping, insurance, museum law, metadata
- 2pt and 3 ft staff in deparment
- day-to-day work/ current projects: (1) de-accessioning objects that have been sold to raise $. (2) after DIA re-installation/de-accessioning – there's a reorganization of the DIA's storage space occurring. Is producing reports to support this project. Ex: Curator makes an "object package" in TMS of the things they want in storage. So Christina prepares a report for Collections Management department that helps them re-store objects in the order the curator intended
- can query data on server through access, enterprise, or crystal reports
- typically used reports: basic "summary" report; reports that include images
- TMS Modules used: Object, Constituents (tracks entities, e.g. institutions, people). Shell (photography department) uses media modules. Conservation is a sub-module of objects.
- TMS not fully used to its potential. Exhibitions / loans modules are not used.
- one SQL server dedicated to TMS.
- 17 licenses but getting an "unlimited" license
- TMS has a lightbox feature that curators use! Similar to Infusion lightbox.
- TMS doesn't track where an object is in an installation. Could do this but doesn't.
- Pain point – wish TMS could keep track of data held in other DBs (e.g. Photography, Interpretation). Wish it was more fully used – e.g. it's not used to track loans (there's a module for this). Point of interest: this echoes what Jennifer Czajkowski wants, a centralized DB as opposed to many.
- Pain point – "Drag & Drop" – difficult to reposition / re-order items in a list, for example in "object package". No drag and drop of data fieds.
- TMS  - would be interesting to see how visitor feedback e.g. from tags could be incorporated in to DB. Not sure if that would be useful, feedback would have to be stored somewhere else.
- Is learning how to script for server as opposed to using the TMS DBMS.
- TMS – drawing relationships between artifacts – Underused. There are functions that could support this. Is interesting in developing this area more.
Object module – data tracked

For data dictionary & list of fields tracked by object module contact Alison Benjamin.