08-23-07 Agenda & Notes

Notes in the form of a follow-up email the group:

As we discussed on the call today, Clayton, Colin and I will do one more pilot for the walkthroughs.  Focusing on the hybrid cognitive walkthroughs (#2 in the work breakdown, http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Sakai+Evaluation+Plan), we'll each individually go through a set of scenarios then compare our results to evaluate how well we are able to identify issues on our own.  As with the trio pilot yesterday we'll look at both accessibility and usability aspects with an initial focus on accessibility (using a keyboard to complete the activities).  For those that missed the call, we felt we were better able to think about both accessibility and usability aspects with the keyboard focus.  We'll also need to evaluate if that's really true and we are in fact identifying the usability issues (the scenarios we went through yesterday were the same that Clayton and I had walked through last week with an eye toward usability so that may have factored into yesterdays evaluation).  We'll discuss again next week at our team meeting.

I was tasked with choosing scenarios for this effort.  I've updated the scenarios to make them richer and more realistic (rather than an unrelated set of tasks, I've combined some to become real scenarios of how work would get done).  Which means the original scenario of "create site" has become "The term starts in 2 weeks and you need to get your course site ready.  Setup your course site and include making applicable course materials available.   This has been purposefully left vague for you to determine what materials and when you want to make them available.  Some example materials are:  syllabus, course readings, assignments, discussion topics, schedule, etc.  Knowing how stretched thin Sarah is, it's likely that she does the set up over several sessions."  With the last sentence in mind, I think it makes sense for us to complete setting up our course sites.  Time permitting, let's also do scenario #2 & #3, http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Content+Management+Scenarios.

Allison and Eli will get started with the more traditional heuristics work (step #1,  http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Sakai+Evaluation+Plan) in the meantime.  Kathy has gotten pulled into some local deliverables and may not be able to be involved in the near term.

Clayton, Colin, can we talk again next Wednesday to compare results before Thursday's team meeting?  Or is there an off-line suggestion for how to get the comparisons done?