Sakai UX Walkthrough Working Group

The Sakai team's focus is the evaluation of the product Sakai.  As mentioned in the larger UI Walkthrough context this work will be done in phases.  We'll began by choosing the "chunk" of functionality we were able evaluate and report on by the [Fall 2007 Fluid Summit].  The goal is for the subgroups for Sakai, Moodle & uPortal to come together with these 1st phase evaluations in Toronto to look across the work to identify pain points that may be improved through the creation of components.

Results from the Sakai UX Walkthroughs completed prior to the summit can be found on the Sakai Pre-Summit UX Walkthrough Results page, and results from those completed after the summit can be found on the Sakai Post-Summit UX Walkthrough Results page.

Artifacts and information supporting the UX walkthrough of Sakai: 


The Sakai UX Walkthrough Working Group generally meets on Thursdays from 11 am PDT /  12 pm Mountain time / 2 pm EDT

Next Meeting: TBD

Breeze Meeting Room
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