Designing Proof and Evidence Resources
- Future of Good -- Special report on disaggregated data
How exactly would social purpose organizations use disaggregated data to inform their work? How do the organizations who are already using it do it? What are the ways the social sector’s COVID response could have been more equitable if disaggregated data were informing it? And what are the ethical considerations when it comes to collecting this kind of data?
- Disaggregated demographic data collection in British Columbia: The grandmother perspective
- On June 16, 2020, Premier John Horgan invited BC’s Human Rights Commissioner and Information and Privacy Commissioner to inform the development of a policy initiative for the collection of race-based, Indigenous and other disaggregated data to address systemic racism. We accepted the invitation and have undertaken a research project over the last two months that included community consultation, an extensive literature review and policy analysis. This report offers a framework for disaggregated data collection that is grounded in “the grandmother perspective” offered by Gwen Phillips of the Ktunaxa Nation, who is a BC First Nations Data Governance Initiative Champion.
- First Nations Information Governance Centre
- The First Nations Information Governance Centre is an independent, apolitical, and technical non-profit organization operating with a special mandate from the Assembly of First Nations’ Chiefs-in-Assembly (Resolution #48, December 2009).
- With First Nations, we assert data sovereignty and support the development of information governance and management at the community level through regional and national partnerships. We adhere to free, prior and informed consent, respect nation-to-nation relationships, and recognize the distinct customs of nations.
- Data, disability and BILL C7: Case Study introductory remarks for “Designing Proof & evidence with minorities & outliers”
- Introductory statement given by Catherine Frazee during the first co-design session.