Why You Should Choose HTML5 article Over section
Annotated Bibliography of Recommended Materials
Designing a Future Where Everyone Counts
Styling Images in Posts and Pages
Work in Process
DIFF Algorithms
Diffing and patching tabular data
Why merges fail and what can be done about it
Floe Project - Michelle
Goodbye D3, Hello ECharts - Clement Ho
Screen Reader Basics: VoiceOver
Best Website Dashboard UI Examples for Design Inspiration
Bokeh vs Dash — Which is the Best Dashboard Framework for Python?
How To Create A Headless WordPress Site On The JAMstack
The Ultimate Guide to Gutenberg Image Alignments in WordPress Themes
CSS Layout - Ned
AI Ethics #1: Hello World! Relational ethics, misinformation, animism and more ...
How to design AI that eliminates disability bias - Jutta
AI Knowledge Map: how to classify AI technologies
Top 20 Machine Learning & Data Science Websites To Follow in 2020
How to design AI that eliminates disability bias
Intro to ARIA -- A11ycasts #13
Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1
CSS Specificity: Things You Should Know - Ned
CSS Specificity Wars - Justin
The CSS Cascade - Justin
Building Multi-Directional Layouts - Ned
Co-designing Inclusive Cities Stories
CSS Specificity and why you shouldn't use !important - Ned
Technology-enhanced Personalised Learning. Untangling the Evidence
Tech is Changing our Cities and our Government Doesn’t Know
How Algorithmic Bias Hurts People With Disabilities
The seven rules of a great Git commit message - Ned
Smarter government or data-driven disaster: the algorithms helping control local communities
Preferences for Global Access - Michelle
Git Tips and Tricks - Ned
Co-design Video - Michelle
Techniques for Interpretable Machine Learning
Conventional Commits - Ned
How to Write a Git Commit Message (Chris Beams)
Web Foundations
Resilient Web Design (Jeremy Keith)Introduction to HTML (MDN)Especially HTML text fundamentals, Creating hyperlinks, Document and website structure, and Debugging HTML.HTML: A good basis for accessibility (MDN)CSS building blocks (MDN)Especially Cascade and inheritance, CSS selectors, The box model, and CSS values and unitsStyling text (MDN)Especially Fundamental text and font styling, Styling links, and Web fontsCSS layout (MDN)Especially Normal flow, Flexbox, Responsive design, and Beginner’s guide to media queriesCSS and JavaScript accessibility (MDN)📺