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A cutpoint is a mapping between a component in the renderer component tree and markup in the template. It consists of two fields: The ID of the component in the tree and a selector for the element in the template:
{ id: <string ID of component in tree>, selector: <string selector referencing an element in the template> }
Working with Cutpoints
Many renderer-related functions require a list of cutpoints, but it is rare that developers will have to create cutpoints manually. There are three ways to work with cutpoints:
Automatically From Selectors
If you are using fluid.initRendererComponent, you can let the initialization function generate the cutpoints from your selectors. If the default selectors are defined in your component's options, the call to fluid.initRendererComponent will automatically retrieve the selectors, generate the cutpoints, and provide them to the Renderer wherever necessary. The selector names will be used as the component IDs. This is the simplest option.
fluid.default("cspace.autocomplete.popup", { selectors: { noMatches: ".csc-autocomplete-noMatches", matches: ".csc-autocomplete-matches", matchItem: ".csc-autocomplete-matchItem", longestMatch: ".csc-autocomplete-longestMatch" }, ... }; cspace.autocomplete.popup = function (container, options) { var that = fluid.initRendererComponent("cspace.autocomplete.popup", container, options); ... return that; }
If you are using fluid.initRendererComponent (creating your own renderer function using fluid.renderer.createRendererFunction), you can provide a function of your own that will be used to generate cutpoints. The function must accept an object containing a set of named selectors, and will also accept options (see fluid.renderer.selectorsToCutpoints for a description of the options).
// Set the cutpointGenerator option of the Renderer component to your cutpoint // generator function var rendererFnOptions = $.extend({}, that.options.rendererFnOptions, { rendererOptions: rendererOptions, repeatingSelectors: that.options.repeatingSelectors, selectorsToIgnore: that.options.selectorsToIgnore, cutpointGenerator: fluid.renderer.personalizeSelectorsToCutpoints }); var fluid.renderer.personalizeSelectorsToCutpoints = function (selectors, options) { // Override functionality here };
Finally, cutpoints can be provided directly to the renderer (through fluid.initRendererComponent or if you are using fluid.render).
var cutpoints = [ { id: "pattern-row:", selector: ".pattern-table-row" }, { id: "name", selector: ".pattern-name" }, { id: "sample", selector: ".pattern-sample" } ];