User Profile Standards
User Profile Standards
User Profile Standards
This page contains a list of standards that are relevant for the further development of ISO/IEC 24751.
- versit vCard 2.1. vCard - The Electronic Business Card, Version 2.1. versit Consortium, 1996-09-18. http://www.imc.org/pdi/vcard-21.doc
- Format for an electronic business card, as a collection of one or more properties. The format is suitable as an interchange format between applications or systems. This specification is based upon the "person" object defined by CCITT X.500 Series Recommendation for Directory Services, and extends it to accommodate additional information often recorded on business cards and electronic contact managers.
Properties in a vCard may be groupd, and even nested (i.e. one vCard contains another as a secondary person or object).
In general, a property consists of: property name, optional property parameters, a property value (e.g. "TEL;HOME:+1-919-555-1234").
- Format for an electronic business card, as a collection of one or more properties. The format is suitable as an interchange format between applications or systems. This specification is based upon the "person" object defined by CCITT X.500 Series Recommendation for Directory Services, and extends it to accommodate additional information often recorded on business cards and electronic contact managers.
- World Health Organization (2001). International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). http://www.who.int/classifications/icf/en/
- Description of the functions of the human body. For each function, a qualifier (0-4) is given, describing the degree of impairment. Note: This is not a diagnostic information (cf. WHO ICD).
- IMS (2003-06). IMS Learner Information Package Accessibility for LIP (AccLIP) and the IMS AccessForAll Meta-data Specification (AccMD) 1.0. http://www.imsglobal.org/accessibility/
- The development of AccLIP and AccMD expanded upon the ideas of Web-4-All to include the control, content and display characteristics of a digital resource. This approach became known as the Access For All (AfA) approach to accessibility.
AccLIP 1.0 was a comprehensive specification for description of a) the type of content, b) the way it is rendered (displayed), and c) how it is controlled (interacted with). Representation was in hierarchically-structured XML and was intended to augment the IMS specification of Learner Information called the Learner Information Package (LIP), hence the name ‘Accessibility for LIP’. The LIP specification described a format for user information required mainly by the Enterprise parts of educational organisations.
- The development of AccLIP and AccMD expanded upon the ideas of Web-4-All to include the control, content and display characteristics of a digital resource. This approach became known as the Access For All (AfA) approach to accessibility.
- ETSI TS 102 334-3 V1.2.2 (2006-11). Network Address Book on fixed network;Part 3: vCard 2.1 profile for contact exchange by SMS/EMS. http://pda.etsi.org/pda/home.asp?wki_id=Nyidxq_LCXOQTTUO695zg
- Selected vCard 2.1 properties that a PSTN/ISDN phone terminal needs to support in exchanging personal information with another terminal or a network server.
- CEN EN 1332-4. Identification Card Systems - Man-Machine Interface - Part 4 : Coding of user requirements for people with special needs. June 2007. http://www.tiresias.org/research/reports/en1332_4_revision.htm
- Syntax and semantics of user requirements for people with special needs, to be stored on an ID card.
- ISO/IEC 24751-2:2008. Information technology -- Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training -- Part 2: "Access for all" personal needs and preferences for digital delivery. http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/index.html
- Divided into 3 groups: display, control, content.
Multi-level structure. Features can occur multiple times, each time under a different application, display, or other entity. Thus, a complex user interaction system can be modelled, consisting of multiple display units (e.g. Screenreader, screen enhancement, text reading highlight, braille, tactile, visual alert, structural presentation) and multiple control units (e.g. input requriements, keyboard enhancement, onscreen keyboard, alternative keyboard, mouse emulation, alternative pointing, voice recognition, coded input, prediction, structural navigation). For simplicity, in this overview, only the leaf-level values are listed.
A person may have multiple profiles for various contexts.
Each application, display or other entity can have priority values for features: required, preferred, optionally use, prohibited.
Vendors may define their own application-specific settings (via attribute 'application').
Note: IMS AfA 2.0 has adopted ISO/IEC 24751-2:2008.
- Divided into 3 groups: display, control, content.
- ETSI ES 202 746 V1.1.1 (2010-02). Human Factors (HF);Personalization and User Profile Management;User Profile Preferences and Information. http://pda.etsi.org/pda/queryform.asp
- Flat set of properties describing user preferences, in particular for mobile phone usage.
- DCMI Metadata Terms. 2010-10-11. http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/
- Extended set of metadata terms, including the fifteen terms of the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, which have also been published as IETF RFC 5013, ANSI/NISO Standard Z39.85-2007, and ISO Standard 15836:2009.
- ISO/IEC CD 24751-9: Information technology -- Individualized adaptability and accessibility in e-learning, education and training -- Part 9: AccessForAll Personal User Interface
- Draft standard currently in CD stage (as of 2010-08-24).
- IMS Access for All Personal Needs and Preferences v3.0 Information Model Description. IMS Access for All v3 Pre-publication Documents, 2011-02-18. http://www.imsglobal.org/community/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=88&threadid=618
- This is a pre-publication document, requesting for comments.
- MyUI Context Ontology, User Modeling Concept and Context Management Architecture. http://www.myui.eu/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=190
- Simplification of WHO ICF, describing functions of the human body.