About the Retrospective

The Fluid 0.5 retrospective meeting is an opportunity for community members to get together and talk about what worked well and what needs to be improved in our shared design/development process. Based on this reflection, we'll come up with specific actions and we'll volunteer to be champions for specific tasks. A champion is not necessarily expected to accomplish the action, but rather to help remind people of the importance of the goal and ensure that it stays on our radar.


  1. Look back on the actions and results from the last retrospective.
  2. Look back at the highlights from the past two months.
  3. Collaboratively answer these questions with a backwards looking perspective:
  4. Collaboratively come up with specific, concrete actions

Actions we implemented

Actions we partially implemented

Actions we didn't implement

Design highlights from 0.5


Research Models




Development highlights from 0.5





What went well?

What didn't go well?

What did we learn?

What still puzzles us?




Come up with a documentation strategy: how to keep it up to date, archiving, etc.


Bring up issues as soon as they come up: communicate about problems or messiness early


Create ways to ensure the design team is more in touch with bugs and issues


Code and framework "heads up" emails out to the list early and often. Echo conversations back out to the list.


Help others build Fluid components


Documentation: How to contribute patterns?


Automated UI testing