James travelling to Rwanda this weekend (?)
Will be working with youth and organisations there
Created a list of guiding questions
How they work with youth?
Want to understand their approaches and methodologies re: working with youth, how do they represent youth/voices?
Organise workshop guided by outcomes of the above
How to “translate” learning differences concepts to youth/groups?
Looking at mismatch between systems (service provisions and groups)
How can/do youth experience different services? (education, government, other)
What are the obstacles to using these services?
Other layers of mismatch in addition to disability
Appreciate varying degrees of inclusive design in each organisation
E.g. Uwezo (Bahati) transforming thinking from universal design to inclusive design
Rwanda shifting from French to English (since 2010), as well as Swahili
Adds political dimension to language translation
Rwanda part of East African federation/common market
Approach will be to walk the streets and talk to people, not as an “official” researcher
James needs feedback by Friday
Will be using the Microsoft design toolkit
Suggest also looking at the IDRC Inclusive Design Guide
Incoming shortly Northern Sask reserve video from Jewel - featuring drone video footage
Developing SDG / inclusive design guide
How to incorporate inclusive design and approaches of partners?
Want to work in close collaboration with the IDRC
Literature review,
Applying ID principles to the process of compiling such a resource
Has had a quick conversation with Catalina about working across cultures
Probably makes sense to look at ID guides/toolkits etc
How involved should/will everyone be in the process of drafting the doc?
Have a separate meeting with TIG?
June 9 Meeting Notes: https://wiki.fluidproject.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=140902587
would love to connect and review these design guides to help to inform the SDG toolkit development process
as a next step then - Liam can create a draft timeline which we can use as a basis for our conversation and begin to set up a quick conversation between IDRC and Mike to review, get feedback and iterate on that plan.
How can this work focus on youth with learning difference
Report is in Jutta’s hands now
Storytelling tool - designs toward multi-modal entry (text/image/audio/video)
we did a big breakdown of things we're planning on implementing: https://issues.fluidproject.org/projects/SJRK/issues/SJRK-34?filter=allopenissues
the current build site: https://build.fluidproject.org/sjrk-storyTelling/ (it hasn't changed too much lately)
James - Do we have a page for youth organisations?
Storytelling tool can be used by groups, organisations, movements, even as a way to create a simple web page / web presence
Create a template on a wiki page as a way to capture information about youth organisations - Alan will look into this
James’ guiding questions include those for organisations
Will collect info by transcribing
Ways of communicating outside of storytelling tool?
What is long-term impact? How do we differentiate ourselves from typical researchers who come and go
Point them toward MOOCs?