Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Moved self-voicing out of 'control' and into 'presentation'.


  • Density and complexity
    • of information
    • of user interface controls
  • Font sizing
  • Font leading and tracking
  • Borders and colours
  • Spacing
  • Text and layout direction (vertical vs. horizontal, left vs. right)
  • Linearization and flattening of columns, etc.
  • The appearance of textual cues: sarcasm, emphasis, humour, etc
  • Form field indications: required vs. optional, etc.
  • Speed of transitions
  • Self-voicing
  • Link affordances:
    • external links
    • navigational cues
    • purpose of a link(eg. definitions, relationships, tags, etc.)


  • Time-space condensations - separation of elements that were presented simultaneously into a linear sequence, or vice versa.
    • Auto-portalisation - opening of "windows" in-place to other parts of application state without losing view context on demand
  • Focus cues
  • Concept maps
    • Describes the structure or overall shape of a user interface visually, showing regions and how they relate to each other
  • Importance levels (eg. politeness in live regions, etc.)
  • Sorting (ascending vs. descending)
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Tool tips and expanded descriptions

Control Transformations

  • Self-voicing, autoAuto-completion, word prediction, especially in context- or application-specific ways
  • Toolbars and menus
