This space is an archive space for documentation related to old versions of Fluid Infusion (i.e. versions before 1.3). For documentation related to the latest Infusion, see Infusion Documentation.

Draft - Release Process Notes

  1. Ensure that there are JIRA filters for the given release.
    • Known Issues
    • Resolved Issues

  2. Ensure that the Release Status page on the wiki is up-to-date.
    • If you need to create it, start by copying the previous version's page.
    • Update the version number, features, and JIRA filter links.

  3. Update the Readme file with description of the current release: features, known issues, etc.
    • The README.txt file is at the top level of the source tree, a sibling to the src folder.
    • Be sure to update:
      • the version number,
      • the zip file names (which include the version number),
      • the "What's New" section, with a list of features of the release,
      • if the folder hierarchy has changed at all (e.g. new sample-code folders added), ensure that the README reflects the new structure,
      • the list of supported browsers, if any relevant changes have been made,
      • the "Known Issues" section, with highlights of the known issues.

  4. Build and test the bundles, to ensure that all relevant files have been included or excluded as necessary, and that the minified version is minified and the source version is not, etc.
    • To build the bundles:
      • Make sure you have a clean, up-to-date checkout.
      • On a command line, cd into the build-scripts folder.
      • Run ant with no arguments.
      • The bundles will be placed in a products folder at the top level.
    • Test the bundles in a clean environment i.e. one which isn't already full of Fluid code and files.
    • Make sure the tests run and pass, and the springboards and demos work.
    • Verify the Fluid-all.js actually has all the files it's supposed to have:
      • Pick a few of the sample files,
      • replace the multiple <script> references to fluid-components with a single <script> reference to the fluid-components/js/Fluid-all.js file,
      • clear the cache on your browsers
      • ensure that the demo still works.
    • Make sure all the license files are in the bundle.
    • Make sure the the minified version is, in fact, minified, and that the source version is not.
    • For the distribution bundle:
      • Deploy the war file to a tomcat instance
      • Test the tests, springboards and samples from the running instance.

  5. Tag the release.

  6. Build and test the bundles from the tagged branch.

  7. Post the zip files to the website releases folder.

  8. Update the Fluid Infusion - Current Release wiki page.
    • Copy the current page to a versioned version as a child page (see previous releases for an example).
    • Consider adding a warning at the top of the page as you edit, and remove the warning when the release is ready.

  9. Update the website's Downloads page.

  10. Send out the email announcement.