Decapod 0.6 Import-Export Test Plan

Decapod 0.6 Import-Export Test Plan


  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04
  • Browser: Firefox 15

General QA Guidelines

General Use

  • Does the tool behave the way that you would expect
  • Are you surprised by anything
  • Does something take longer than you would expect
  • When the tool does something unexpected or takes too long to do something, does the tool provide appropriate feedback
On This Page

QA Tests

Perform the following tests using each browser/system environment

Report issues at:

Please search for issues before reporting them, so as to limit the number of duplicate entries.

Decapod Jira Filter

Unit Test: UI

Launch the following in a browser (paths relative to the decapod-ui directory) as a local file instead of through python server (e.g. file:///home/username/decapod-0.6/decapod-ui/tests/all-tests.html).

Note: You may need to adjust the security permissions to allow local ajax. (see: Browser settings to support local Ajax calls)

Test Suite:

  • tests/all-tests.html
  • Results
    • All unit tests except the last one pass
    • The last unit test "global failure" fails, which is a known issue

Unit Tests: Server

From the decapod-server/tests directory launch the following through python command line (e.g. python

Note: Ensure that the Decapod Server is not running when the tests are being executed

Test Suite:

  • Results
    • "OK" is prompted at the end of the output.

State Tests

Ensures that the component properly traverses through the various states. 

Run through Tests 1-6, then 7-12 in order.
Run through Tests 7-12 a second time using Orca.

Decapod Server:


Test 1: Load Application

  • Procedure
    1. Load the application in a web browser
  • Results
    • The message "Select 'Browse files' to choose images to export." should appear towards the top
    • The 'Browse files' button should be enabled
    • 4 PDF export types (Image PDF, Image PDF with OCR Text, Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text, Font Matched PDF with OCR Text) and 2 Image export types (TIFF, PNG) should be listed.

Test 2: Mouse, Expand Export Options

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 1
    2. Using the mouse, click on any of the export types
  • Results
    • The options for the export should expand below the export's description
    • For PDF export, the "Output" select box should be enabled and showing the "A4 (210x297 mm) option
    • The 'Start Export' button should be disabled

Test 3: Mouse, Add Images to Import

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 2
    2. Using the mouse, click on the 'Browse files' button
    3. Select 1 or more images to import
  • Results
    • The message area above the 'Browse files' button should indicate the number of files added and if there were errors adding any of them to the queue.
    • The 'Start Export' button under each of the export types should be enabled

Test 4: Mouse, Export

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 3
    2. Using the mouse, click on any of the export types to expand its options
    3. Using the mouse, click the 'Start Export' button
  • Results
    • The 'Browse Files' button should be disabled
    • The other export options should be disabled
    • The 'Start Export' button should be replaced by a progress indicator
    • After the export is finished, the progress indicator should be replaced by a "Download" and "Start Over" link

Test 5: Mouse, Download

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 4
    2. Using the mouse, click the "Download" link
  • Results
    • The interface should remain unchanged
    • A PDF, of the type selected, or zip file (image export) should be downloaded through the web browser

Test 6: Mouse, Start Over

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 5
    2. Using the mouse, click the "Start Over" link
  • Results
    • The interface should be reset to its initial state (See: Test 1)


Test 7: Load Application

  • Procedure
    1. Load the application in a web browser
  • Results
    • The message "Select 'Browse files' to choose images to export." should appear towards the top
    • The 'Browse files' button should be enabled
    • 4 PDF export types (Image PDF, Image PDF with OCR Text, Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text, Font Matched PDF with OCR Text) and 2 Image export types (TIFF, PNG) should be listed.

Test 8: Keyboard, Expand Export Options

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 7
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the 'Tab' key until one of the export types has focus
    3. Using the keyboard, tap the up or down arrow keys to focus a different export type if desired
    4. Using the keyboard, tap the "Enter/Return" key to select the focused export type
  • Results
    • The options for the export should expand below the export's description
    • For PDF export, the "Output" select box should be enabled and showing the "A4 (210x297 mm) option
    • The 'Start Export' button should be disabled

Test 9: Keyboard, Add Images to Import

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 8
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the "Tab" key until the 'Browse files' button has focus
    3. Using the keyboard, tap the "Enter" key to activate the 'Browse files' button and open the file picker
    4. Select 1 or more images to import
  • Results
    • The message area above the 'Browse files' button should indicate the number of files added and if there were errors adding any of them to the queue.
    • The 'Start Export' button under each of the export types should be enabled

Test 10: Keyboard, Export

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 9
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the 'Tab' key until one of the export types has focus
    3. Using the keyboard, tap the up or down arrow keys to focus a different export type if desired
    4. Using the keyboard, tap the "Enter/Return" key to select the focused export type
    5. Using the keyboard, tap the "Tab" key until the 'Start Export' button has focus
    6. Using the keyboard, tap the "Enter/Return" key to activate the 'Start Export' button
  • Results
    • The 'Browse Files' button should be disabled
    • The other export options should be disabled
    • The 'Start Export' button should be replaced by a progress indicator
    • After the export is finished, the progress indicator should be replaced by a "Download" and "Start Over" link

Test 11: Keyboard, Download

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 10
    2. Using the keyboard tap the "Tab" key until the "Download" link has focus
    3. Using the keyboard tap the "Enter/Return" key to activate the "Download" link
  • Results
    • The interface should remain unchanged
    • A PDF, of the type selected, or zip file (image export) should be downloaded through the web browser

Test 12: Keyboard, Start Over

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 11
    2. Using the keyboard tap the "Tab" key until the "Start Over" link has focus
    3. Using the keyboard tap the "Enter/Return" key to activate the "Start Over link
  • Results
    • The interface should be reset to its initial state (See: Test 1)

Task Oriented Functional Tests

Ensures that the component is able to handle expected input.

Perform these tasks on the following site.
Perform these tasks a second time using Orca.

Decapod Server:

Test 1: Reset after adding images

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Trigger the reset link
  • Results
    • The interface should be reset to its initial state
    • The message "Select 'Browse files' to choose images to export." should appear towards the top
    • The 'Browse files' button should be enabled
    • 4 PDF export types (Image PDF, Image PDF with OCR Text, Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text, Font Matched PDF with OCR Text) and 2 Image export types (TIFF, PNG) should be listed.
  • Stop Test
    • Stop the server and close the browser

Test 2: Generate an Image PDF

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Expand the "Image PDF" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the PDF
  • Results
    • An image PDF, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 3: Generate an Image PDF with OCR Text

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Expand the "Image PDF with OCR Text" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the PDF
  • Results
    • An image PDF with OCR text, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 4: Generate a Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Expand the "Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the PDF
  • Results
    • A computer traced PDF with OCR text, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 5: Generate a Font Matched PDF with OCR Text

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Expand the "Font Matched PDF with OCR Text" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the PDF
  • Results
    • A font matched PDF with OCR text, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 6: Generate a TIFF export

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Expand the "TIFF" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the zip
  • Results
    • A computer traced PDF with OCR text, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 7: Generate a PNG export

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Expand the "PNG" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the zip
  • Results
    • A computer traced PDF with OCR text, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Boundary Tests


Ensures proper functionality at the input limits 

Perform these tasks on the following site.
Perform these tasks a second time using Orca.
Test Images

Decapod Server:

Test 1: Reset before import

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Trigger the reset button
  • Results
    • The interface should be reset to its initial state
    • The message "Select 'Browse files' to choose images to export." should appear towards the top
    • The 'Browse files' button should be enabled
    • 4 PDF export types (Image PDF, Image PDF with OCR Text, Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text, Font Matched PDF with OCR Text) and 2 Image export types (TIFF, PNG) should be listed.
  • Stop Test
    • Stop the server and close the browser

Test 2: Start Over

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Trigger "Start Export" for one of the export types
    4. After the export has finished, trigger the "Start Over" link
  • Results
    • The interface should be reset to its initial state
    • The message "Select 'Browse files' to choose images to export." should appear towards the top
    • The 'Browse files' button should be enabled
    • 4 PDF export types (Image PDF, Image PDF with OCR Text, Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text, Font Matched PDF with OCR Text) and 2 Image export types (TIFF, PNG) should be listed.
  • Stop Test
    • Stop the server and close the browser

Test 3: Large File

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add a 100MB image file
    3. Trigger "Start Export" for one of the export types
  • Results
    • A PDF or zip for the type of export selected should be generated
  • Stop Test
    • Stop the server and close the browser

Test 4: With a large number of images generate an Image PDF

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add 100+ images to import
    3. Expand the "Image PDF" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the PDF
  • Results
    • An image PDF, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 5: With a large number of images generate an Image PDF with OCR Text

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add 100+ images to import
    3. Expand the "Image PDF with OCR Text" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the PDF
  • Results
    • An image PDF with OCR text, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 6: With a large number of images generate a Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add 100+ images to import
    3. Expand the "Computer Traced PDF with OCR Text" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the PDF
  • Results
    • A computer traced PDF with OCR text, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 7: With a large number of images generate a Font Matched PDF with OCR Text

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add 100+ images to import
    3. Expand the "Font Matched PDF with OCR Text" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the PDF
  • Results
    • A font matched PDF, representing the imported images, should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 8: With a large number of images generate a TIFF export

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add 100+ images to import
    3. Expand the "TIFF" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the zip
  • Results
    • A zip containing TIFF versions of the images should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 9: With a large number of images generate a PNG export

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add 100+ images to import
    3. Expand the "PNG" export type and trigger the "Start Export" button
    4. After the export has completed, download the zip
  • Results
    • A zip containing PNG versions of the images should be produced
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 10: Custom Output Settings - min

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add some images to import
    3. Expand one of the PDF export types
    4. Change the width to 1, height to 1, and dpi 50
  • Results
    • The changes should be accepted and the "Start Export" should remain enabled
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 11: Custom Output Settings - max

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add some images to import
    3. Expand one of the PDF export types
    4. Change the width to 300, height to 300, and dpi 600
  • Results
    • The changes should be accepted and the "Start Export" should remain enabled
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state



Tests which should cause errors or not be accepted as input 

Perform these tasks on the following site.
Perform these tasks a second time using Orca.
Test Images

Decapod Server:

Test 1: Export Before Import

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Attempt to trigger the "Start Export" button for any of the export types
  • Results
    • The "Start Export" button should be disabled and nothing should happen
  • Stop Test
    • Stop the server and close the browser

Test 2: Add more after export

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add images to import
    3. Trigger "Start Export" for one of the export types
    4. Attempt to add more images to import
  • Results
    • The "Browse Files" button should be disabled and nothing should happen
  • Stop Test
    • Stop the server and close the browser

Test 3: Import non-image files

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add non-image files to import
    3. Trigger "Start Export" for one of the export types
  • Results
    • A "415 unsupported Media Type" error should be returned from the server
  • Stop Test
    • Stop the server and close the browser

Test 4: Image files that exceed the size limit

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add an image file that is larger than 100MB
  • Results
    • An error message indicating that the size limit has been exceeded should be displayed.
  • Stop Test
    • Stop the server and close the browser

Test 5: Custom Output Settings - below min

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add some images to import
    3. Expand one of the PDF export types
    4. Change the width to 0, height to 0, and dpi 49
  • Results
    • The changes should not be accepted and an error message should appear
    • The "Start Export" should remain enabled
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 6: Custom Output Settings - above max

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add some images to import
    3. Expand one of the PDF export types
    4. Change the width to 301, height to 301, and dpi 601
  • Results
    • The changes should not be accepted and an error message should appear
    • The "Start Export" should remain enabled
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state

Test 7: Custom Output Settings - non-numeric

  • Procedure
    1. Start the server and load the application
    2. Add some images to import
    3. Expand one of the PDF export types
    4. Change the width, height, and dpi to have a non-numeric value
  • Results
    • The changes should not be accepted and an error message should appear
    • The "Start Export" should remain enabled
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state