Starting the Decapod Server

For Decapod 0.5

  1. Download and install Decapod 0.5 and all its dependencies. See: Download and Install Decapod 0.5.

Run Decapod

  1. Run the following command: python Example:
  2. Open the following URL in Firefox 12 (or later): http://localhost:8080/

For Decapod 0.4

  1. Download and install Decapod 0.4 and all its dependencies. See: Download and Install Decapod 0.4.
  2. Run Decapod using one of the two options below.

Option 1: Run Decapod using Attached Cameras

  1. If you have a pair of cameras, run the following command: python Example:
  2. Open the following URL in Firefox 3.6 (or later): http://localhost:8080/

Option 2: Run Decapod without Cameras

  1. If you do not have a pair of cameras but would still like to try Decapod, run the following command: python --no-cameras. Example:
    ./decapod/decapod-server/python --no-cameras
  2. Open the following URL in Firefox 3.6 (or later): http://localhost:8080/

Running this option will allow users to use Decapod as though there are cameras attached. When "Take Picture" is activated, images are loaded from a predefined set of photos instead of actual cameras.

For Decapod 0.3

  1. Download and install Decapod 0.3 and all its dependencies. See: Download and Install Decapod 0.3.
  2. Run Decapod using one of the two options below.

Real Server

  1. To use the Real Server, you will need to have two supported cameras powered on and connected via USB.
  2. From the command line, navigate to the server directory and run the command "python"
    • If you followed the installation instructions this might look like.

Mock Server

  1. The Mock Server is intended for testing/debugging purposes when you do not have two supported cameras available.
  2. From the command line, navigate to the server directory and run the command "python"
    • If you followed the installation instructions this might look like.