Decapod 0.4 Quick Test Plan

Decapod QA Test Plan


  • OS: Ubuntu 10.04
  • Browser: Firefox 3.6.x

General QA Guidelines

General Use

  • Does the tool behave the way that you would expect
  • Are you surprised by anything
  • Does something take longer than you would expect
  • When the tool does something unexpected or takes too long to do something, does the tool provide appropriate feedback
On This Page

QA Tests

ProtocolPerform the following tests using each browser/system environment

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Unit Test

ProtocolLaunch the following website to execute unit tests.

Decapod Test Suite:
unit tests link

State Tests

Description Ensures that the component properly traverses through the various states. 

Protocol Perform Decapod 0.4 Pre-Capture Test Plan first. Then run through the tests in order.

Decapod Server:

Test 1: Load Application


  1. Open the application in the browser


  • The Decapod application should load without errors or exceptions
  • The page should have a "Capture a new book" image in the middle, and "Book Management" in the top-left corner.
  • Pressing "Book Management" should keep you on the same page.
  • Hovering over the "Capture a new Book" image should highlight the image, and mouse cursor should turn into a hand pointer.

Test 2: Capture a New Book


  1. Complete Test 1
  2. Select "Capture a new book"


  • Pressing "Capture a new book" should load a new page without any errors or exceptions.
  • In the middle of the screen "To get the best results ... " should appear with two selectable options: "Continue to calibration", and "Skip calibration".
  • The top-left bread crumb navigation should show "Book Management > Camera Calibration" with "Camera Calibration" highlighted / emphasized.
  • Pressing "Book Management" should load the page as seen in Test 1.

Test 3: Continue to Calibration


  1. Complete Test 2
  2. Select "Continue to calibration"


  • Pressing "Continue to calibration" should load a new page without any errors or exceptions.
  • The navigation breadcrumb should show "Book Management > Camera Calibration" with "Camera Calibration" highlighted / emphasized.
  • Pressing "Book Management" should load the page as seen in Test 1.
  • The main title on the page should read: "Adjust page rotation and order". There should be two image boxes and various controls and links on the interface.

Test 4: Camera Calibration - Adjust Page Rotation 1


  1. Complete Tests 3
  2. Press the first Rotate Image counter-clockwise button once.


  • Pressing the button should rotate the left image counter-clockwise 90-degrees.

Test 5: Camera Calibration - Adjust Page Rotation 2


  1. Complete Tests 4
  2. Press the first Rotate Image clockwise button once.


  • Pressing the button should rotate the left image clockwise 90-degrees (back to the original orientation as seen at the start of Test 4).

Test 6: Camera Calibration - Adjust Page Rotation 3


  1. Complete Tests 5
  2. Press the second Rotate Image counter-clockwise button twice.


  • Pressing the button should rotate the right image counter-clockwise 90-degrees twice so the image is now upside down.

Test 7: Camera Calibration - Adjust Page Rotation 4


  1. Complete Tests 6
  2. Press the second Rotate Image clockwise button once.


  • Pressing the button should rotate the right image clockwise 90-degrees.

Test 8: Camera Calibration - Swap pages


  1. Complete Tests 7
  2. Press the "Swap Pages" button once.


  • Pressing the button should move the right image to the left, and the left image to the right.

Test 9: Do another test capture


  1. Complete Tests 8
  2. Press the "Do another test capture" link for both right and left images.


  • Pressing the button should take images from the attached cameras and replace the existing images in the interface.
  • The rotations and page order should remain the same.

Test 10: Finish Calibration


  1. Complete Tests 9
  2. Press the "Done. Let's start / continue capturing".


  • The page should mostly be empty with some notable exceptions being an empty thumbnail placeholder, and a "Take Picture" button.
  • The Export button should be disabled

Test 11: Take Picture


  1. Complete Tests 10
  2. Trigger the "Take Picture" button

Real Server Results

  • Both cameras should be triggered to take a picture
  • The captured images should appear as one large image in the main content area of the page
  • The captured images should appear as one thumbnail imagine on the left side of the page
  • The "Export" button should be enabled

Mock Server Results

  • The captured images should appear as one large image in the main content area of the page
  • The captured images should appear as one thumbnail imagine on the left side of the page
  • The "Export" button should be enabled

Test 12: Take Additional Picture


  1. Complete Test 11
  2. Repeat Test 11
  • Should be the same as Test 11
  • There should now be a second thumbnail on the left side of the page
  • The current large image, in the main area, should be of the most recent image captured

Test 13: Delete a Picture


  1. Complete Test 12
  2. Place focus on one of the thumbnails
  3. Trigger the "delete" button


  • The thumbnail should be removed
  • Focus should now be on the next item in the set of thumbnails, or the previous one if the deleted thumbnail was the last in the set.
  • The large image in the main area should be replaced with the one whose thumbnail currently has focus.

Test 14: Reorder Thumbnails


  1. Complete Test 13
  2. Repeate Test 11, to add several new images
  3. Reorder the thumbnails.


  • The thumbnails should now be in the order you have assigned them
  • The page numbering on the thumbnails should have changed so that they are still in proper numerical order
  • Placing focus on the thumbnails should bring up a large version of the image in the main area

Test 15: Export


  1. Complete Test 14
  2. Trigger the "Export" button


  • A busy indicator should appear, indicating that a background process is running
  • When the process is complete:
    1. a download dialog should appear, asking the user where to save the exported file
    2. the busy indicator should disappear
  • The output should be a PDF where each side of the captured image is its own page, with the left preceding the right