Fluid Engage artifact view QA test plan

QA overview


  • iPhone OS 3.0 or higher on iPhone 3G or 3GS
  • iPhone OS 3.0 or higher on iPod touch 1G, 2G or 3G

For testing Fluid Engage with VoiceOver: 

  • iPhone OS 3.0 or higher on iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone OS 3.0 or higher on iPod touch 32 GB or 64 GB (Fall 2009 or later)

Protocol overview

General QA guidelines

  • Does the tool behave the way that you would expect?
  • Are you surprised by anything?
  • Does something take longer than you would expect?
  • When the tool does something unexpected or takes too long to do something, does the tool provide appropriate feedback?

QA tests

Unit tests

Protocol: Launch the following websites to execute unit tests.

url to be filled

Task-oriented functional tests

Description: Ensures that the component is able to handle expected input.

Protocol: Perform these tasks after completing initial Engage setup (to be added: instructions on adding app to home screen).

Notes on expansion/collapse behavior
  • This test plan has many cases of expanding/collapsing behavior. The following are guidelines on what behavior is expected.
  • Expanding:
    • Focus on the expanded state should slide up such that the top border of the expansion region (i.e., the toggler) is ~30 pixels below the screen header, unless this would create a void space in the lower portion of the screen. In the latter case, the end of the virtual space should be equal with the end of the actual screen.
    • Focus on the collapsed state should have no change. The collapsed region should slide up, but the region above the bottom border of the toggler should not move.
  • Collapsing:
    • After tapping the toggler the second time, the content should collapsed back to the state before the initial tap
  • See Guidelines... for element expansion/contraction for visuals on screen focus after panel expand/collapse.
Test all screens: Absence of horizontal scroll


  1. Drag the screen left and right while holding the device in portrait mode.

Expected results:

  • The screen should not shift left or right (i.e., it is fixed).
Test 1: Page load


  1. From the application home screen, tap "Enter object code" or its icon.
  2. Enter in a valid object code (see object code list for possibilities).
  3. (For VO: After page load announcement, have VO read the screen from top to bottom. Also tap around the screen to check position of elements.)

Expected results:

  • Artifact page should load.
  • On the top navigation bar, a back button, home button, and truncated artifact title should be visible.
  • Below said bar, a series of buttons should be visible: collect, share, and comment.
  • Below said buttons, either an image of the artifact or a "no image" placeholder should be visible.
    (For VO: Alt text for the image should be read out; specifically, the artifact name)
  • Below said image, textual information about the artifact should be visible (title, technical information, collapsed description, or description three lines or shorter).
  • Below said textual information, three collapsed panels should be visible iff they have elements within them: audio and video, comments, and related artifacts
  • In each panel, the number of elements within them should be displayed (e.g., "Audio and video (3)", "Comments (4)", "Related artifacts (4)"), iff the number is greater than 0.
Test 2: Audio/video header expand and collapse (cont'd from Test 1)


  1. Complete Test 1.
  2. Invoke "Audio and video" (if it exists).
  3. Invoke "Audio and video", again.

Expected results:

  • After invoking once, the panel should expand with its contents.
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the expanded panel.)
  • Contents should include the following:
    • A list of audio and/or video items.
    • Video list items appear with either a keyframe/thumbnail or a video icon to the left, and textual information to the right (the word "VIDEO", a title, and duration).
    • Audio list items appear with an audio icon to the left, and textual information to the right (the word "AUDIO", a title, and duration).
  • Invoking again should collapse the panel.
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the collapsed panel.)
  • See above notes on expanding/collapsing behavior.
Test 3: Comments header expand and collapse (cont'd from Test 1)


  1. Complete Test 1.
  2. Invoke "Comments", the panel header (if it exists).
  3. Invoke "Comments", the panel header, again.

Expected results:

  • After invoking once, the panel should expand with its contents.
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the expanded panel.)
  • Contents should include the following:
    • "Add a comment" button right beneath the panel header.
    • A list of comments, each with a name/location (may be anonymous) and date, and the comment itself.
    • Possibly a "Load x more comments", if there are more than three comments.
  • Invoking again should collapse the panel.
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the collapsed panel.)
  • See above notes on expanding/collapsing behavior.
Test 4: Related artifacts header expand and collapse (cont'd from Test 1)


  1. Complete Test 1.
  2. Invoke "Related artifacts" (if it exists).
  3. Invoke "Related artifacts", again.

Expected results:

  • After invoking once, the panel should expand with its contents.
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the expanded panel.)
  • Contents should include the following:
    • A list of artifacts
    • Each artifact item should consist of a thumbnail, artifact name, and date
  • After invoking the header the second time, the panel should collapsed back to the state before the initial tap.
  • Invoking again should collapse the panel.
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the collapsed panel.)
  • See above notes on expanding/collapsing behavior.
Test 5: Description expand and collapse (cont'd from Test 1)


  1. Complete Test 1.
  2. Invoke "More" beneath the truncated artifact description (if it exists).
  3. Invoke "Less" beneath the expanded artifact description.

Expected results:

  • After invoking "More", the description should expand fully.
  • The text "More" should be replaced with the text "Less".
  • Invoking "Less" should collapse the description.
  • See above notes on expanding/collapsing behavior.
Test 6: Collect an artifact (cont'd from Test 1)


  1. Complete Test 1.
  2. Invoke "Collect".
  3. Tap anywhere on the bar that reads "Tap here to go there now."
  4. Invoke the back button of the navigation bar of the newly-navigated-to screen (My Collection screen).

Expected results:

  • After invoking "Collect", the button should read "Uncollect" and appear highlighted.
    (For VO: User should get feedback that "Uncollect" is in selected state.)
  • A status message should fade in, reading "Added to your My Collection. / Tap here to go there now."
    (For VO: User should be able to hear the above message.)
  • After tapping on the message, a new screen should appear. The only item on this screen should be a thumbnail of the artifact that was just collected.
    (For VO: User should hear "Web page loaded - My Collection". User should get feedback that there is one item on the screen. User should be able to tap on the thumbnail and know the name of the artifact collected.)
  • After invoking the back button on the navigation bar, the artifact screen you were originally on should reappear, with the "Uncollect" button still remaining highlighted, but no status message appearing.
    (For VO: User should hear "Web page loaded - Artifact".)
Test 7: Uncollect an artifact (cont'd from Test 6)


  1. Complete Test 6.
  2. Invoke "Uncollect".
  3. Tap anywhere on the bar that reads "Tap here to go there now."
  4. Invoke the back button of the navigation bar of the newly-navigated-to screen (My Collection screen).

Expected results:

  • After invoking "Uncollect", the button should read "Collect" and appear normal (not highlighted).
  • A status message should fade in, reading "Removed from your My Collection. / Tap here to go there now."
    (For VO: User should be able to hear the above message.)
  • After invoking on the message, a new screen should appear. There should be no items on this screen.
    (For VO: User should hear "Web page loaded - My Collection". User should get feedback that there are no items on the screen.)
  • After invoking the back button on the navigation bar, the artifact screen you were originally on should reappear, with the "Collect" button remaining unhighlighted, but no status message appearing.
    (For VO: User should hear "Web page loaded - Artifact".)
Test 8: Play a video clip (cont'd from Test 1)


  1. Complete Test 1.
  2. Invoke the Audio and Video panel header.
  3. Invoke an item demarcated with "VIDEO" (anywhere on the region).
  4. Invoke the play icon to begin playing the video.
  5. Watch the video end-to-end.
  6. Invoke "Done".

Expected results:

  • After invoking the panel header, the panel should expand (as in Test 2).
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the expanded panel.)
  • After invoking the video item, a new screen should appear.
    (For VO: User should be able to get a feedback about loading of the new screen.)
  • After invoking play, a video should start playing.
    (For VO: Play button should be usable with VO).
  • After invoking "Done", the screen should return to the artifact view.
    (For VO: User should hear "Web page loaded - Artifact".)
Test 9: Play an audio clip (cont'd from Test 1)


  1. Complete Test 1.
  2. Invoke the Audio and Video panel header.
  3. Invoke an item demarcated with "AUDIO" (anywhere on the region).
  4. Invoke the play icon to begin playing the audio clip.
  5. Listen to the audio clip end-to-end.
  6. Invoke "Done".

Expected results:

  • After invoking the panel header, the panel should expand (as in Test 2).
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the expanded panel.)
  • After invoking the audio item, a new screen should appear.
    (For VO: User should be able to get a feedback about loading of the new screen.)
  • After invoking play, the audio should start playing.
    (For VO: Play button should be usable with VO).
  • After invoking "Done", the screen should return to the artifact view.
    (For VO: User should hear "Web page loaded - Artifact".)
Test 10: Go to a related artifact (cont'd from Test 1)


  1. Complete Test 1.
  2. Invoke "Show Related artifacts" (if it exists).
  3. Invoke an artifact within that list.

Expected results:

  • After invoking "Show Related artifacts", the panel should expand (as in Test 4).
    (For VO: User should get a feedback about the expanded panel.)
  • After invoking an artifact item, a new artifact view should appear, corresponding to the artifact that was selected.
    (For VO: User should hear "Web page loaded - Artifact".)

Boundary Tests

Description: Ensures proper functionality at the input limits.

Protocol: Perform these tasks on the following site.