fluid-work IRC Logs-2008-09-26

[08:30:27 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has joined #fluid-work
[09:23:28 EDT(-0400)] * jacobfarber (n=Main@CPE00095bc35ea1-CM001692f5798c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[09:31:10 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=michelle@CPE001310472ade-CM0011aefd3ca8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[09:46:45 EDT(-0400)] * jonathan_h (n=Jon@H65.C206.cci.switchworks.net) has joined #fluid-work
[09:57:57 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined #fluid-work
[11:11:20 EDT(-0400)] * athena7 (n=athena7@ has joined #fluid-work
[11:18:30 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=michelle@CPE001310472ade-CM0011aefd3ca8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[11:29:13 EDT(-0400)] * jessm (n=Jess@c-76-19-199-61.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[11:42:37 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=michelle@CPE001310472ade-CM0011aefd3ca8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has left #fluid-work
[11:47:00 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=michelle@CPE001310472ade-CM0011aefd3ca8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[12:07:19 EDT(-0400)] * ecochran (n=ecochran@dhcp-169-229-212-48.LIPS.Berkeley.EDU) has joined #fluid-work
[12:21:24 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: did you see the bug that I wrote up yesterday about the drop and drop target being different?
[12:21:43 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> that was the only thing that I found while testing that was at all a big issue
[12:21:54 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: i'm not sure... what number was it
[12:22:02 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I'll look it up
[12:22:18 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: also if you didn't get my e-mail i updated the test plans with the error you pointed out
[12:24:48 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-1633 is a blocker to the 0.5 release and as such will need to be addressed before the release (code freeze is lifted for the resolution of this jira)
[12:25:22 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jacobfarber: Fluid-1633 is probably something that you can look at
[12:25:33 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: fluid-1625
[12:25:59 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: did you mean me?
[12:26:22 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: yes, it's the J-tab problem that I seem to have in the IRC
[12:26:38 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> You sure you don't want to change your name to Bruce
[12:26:40 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> ?
[12:27:04 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> maybe i should invert my name so it is o_nitsuj
[12:27:22 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: ooo, it sounds Japanese!
[12:27:28 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> It's your ninja name!
[12:27:49 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I'll look at FLUID-1633
[12:28:03 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: Is Jacob in today?
[12:32:39 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: sorry i just stepped out to grab my lunch... it does sound like a ninja name (big grin)
[12:32:49 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> as for jacobfarber he is working from home today
[12:35:52 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> OK, I'll check in with him about FLUID-1633
[12:38:48 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> ecochran, Justin_o, jacobfarber: I have a fix for part of 1633
[12:39:00 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> if I commit it, can someone review it for me?
[12:39:21 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> michelled: I'd love to!
[12:41:02 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> thanks! I just committed
[12:41:25 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> sorry I missed it
[12:43:00 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> michelled: what files?
[12:43:15 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> just Reorderer.html
[12:43:20 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> or what commit?
[12:43:47 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I see it... ignore me!
[12:44:43 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> thanks for updating the reorderer.html file
[12:45:27 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> no issues
[12:45:32 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I didn't to the tabs part
[12:45:39 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> should I or do you want to?
[12:45:56 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> Justin_o, I think the 1631 isn't actually an issue
[12:46:02 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> I think its a little complex - the tabs need to be rewritten from the ground up
[12:46:18 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> from a css point of view, nothing more
[12:46:52 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> it's just that if there are items that should be selectable but not movable another selector needs to be specified to the reorderer. I can comment on the bug if you'd like
[12:47:14 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> jacobfarber: do you have time to do that?
[12:47:22 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> michelled: didnt your commit solve the problem?
[12:47:23 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> michelled: It looks good!
[12:47:24 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> michelled
[12:47:26 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> sure
[12:48:01 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> yes, it solved it, but the idea was that if the issue was in the Reorderer then we'd leave the other issue open and look at it in 0.6
[12:48:13 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> michelled: ah
[12:48:28 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> thanks ecochran!
[12:48:52 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> michelled: my pleasure
[12:48:58 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> michelled: tested too!
[12:49:00 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> michelled: as for 1632, I cant say for sure when that would look like it should AND work as expected... I can dig into it now though
[12:49:24 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> michelled how much time do I have?
[12:50:24 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> well I guess these are blockers so the longer we take with them we might cause a delay for the release
[12:51:08 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> Perhaps check with Justin_o about a final time and whether he just wants the example removed or not.
[12:51:17 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: is the problem just knowing how to style them when they are selected by the keyboard?
[12:51:19 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> yup- doing just that
[12:51:25 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> not exactly
[12:51:34 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> the problem is the way the elements are set up
[12:51:48 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> which makes the way the css works dependant on that too
[12:53:05 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> ecochran: the exact problem is the wrong element, which also happens to the be the visually prominent one, is getting styles and is trying to be re-arranged by the keyboard
[12:53:17 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> *styled
[12:53:22 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> does seem that different than how the lightbox, um... image reorderer, works, which is also a link with in a element
[12:53:24 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> ah yes
[12:53:32 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> so we need two different styles
[12:53:47 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> one for the "current" tab and one for the "selected" tab
[12:53:51 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> this is different
[12:54:26 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: I'd be happy to talk this one through with you right after stand-up
[12:54:38 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> sure
[12:55:17 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jacobfarber: ecochran michelled: sorry guys I was catching up on this
[12:56:32 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> right now only Fluid-1633 is set as a blocker for 0.5... 1632 and 1631 are the cause of it though. If a proper fix which doesn't end up causing other issues is ready for monday then I could probably assign it as a blocker
[12:57:28 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelled: I think i just got what you were saying... 1631 is fixed and I can close it (it was just a styling issue?)
[12:58:01 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> no, not a styling issue - an issue with setting up the reorderer. but yes, it's fixed
[12:58:12 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> okay.. thanks
[12:58:20 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> np
[13:22:02 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran:
[13:22:12 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: sorry i got distracted from your bug
[13:29:32 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I'm back, jacob and I are working on the tab bug
[13:29:43 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> but I'm happy to chat about this drop target bug too.
[13:30:35 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> I just checked it out it is interesting... i had a thought as to what is happening.. just trying to find an old bug that i think it is related to
[13:30:59 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> Fluid-1335
[13:31:28 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> I think that the drop target is based on the middle of the avatar but the drop location is based on the position of the mouse
[13:31:45 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: it's math... what is weird is that the drop target and drop location would use different math
[13:32:01 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> they should use the same math... or I would like that they would use the same math
[13:32:34 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> they should... yes.. that's just what seems is happening.. i'm not sure what is in the code
[13:32:35 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I suspect that this is an Antranig bug, but maybe michelled could look at it... since A. is not online
[13:33:08 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> yes.. if it is an antranig bug... it won't make it for this release
[13:33:35 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelled: have you seen the bug ecochran found yet... Fluid-1625
[13:33:54 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> looking now
[13:34:07 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> i'm going to comment on it now...
[13:35:09 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelled: I just left a comment there, it is what i had said on the channel
[13:35:49 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> interesting
[13:36:13 EDT(-0400)] * jacobfarber (n=Main@CPE00095bc35ea1-CM001692f5798c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[13:36:13 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> and difficult enough that if you want this in we'll have to delay the release, I think
[13:36:30 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> Antranig is the only one that can give you a good estimate on this one
[13:37:00 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> that's what i was afraid of... i'm going to play around with it a bit because i just went back to test it and it seemed okay...
[13:37:33 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> if it is hard to reproduce i'd say we should jut leave it for the next release, but I'm not sure yet
[13:37:43 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> anyone else have any thoughts
[13:38:09 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I'm having trouble recreating it too
[13:38:21 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I would be fine releasing with the bug... it's it is hard to reproduce...
[13:38:27 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> it is
[13:39:17 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> thanks ecochran I'm going to try it a couple more times
[13:39:20 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> It might be more noticeable in another context
[13:41:50 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> okay i don't think i was right about the calculations being different for the mouse and middle position...
[13:44:18 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> ecochran, Justin_o, michelled : I am very very baffled by 1632
[13:45:13 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jacobfarber: what's up
[13:45:17 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> meaning you aren't sure what causing the breakage?
[13:45:26 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: let me spend a little more time on it!
[13:45:52 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I'm being distracted by a spirited conversation about inline edit here... but that is not a blocker
[13:45:55 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> of course - its just I made it very close to example 1, and it still didnt work (tongue)
[13:45:55 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> so I'm back
[13:45:58 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> did someone delete our porno JIRA user Payne or something like that?
[13:46:35 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I think Colin did - I saw an e-mail he sent to Nakul
[13:46:41 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> k, cool
[13:47:20 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> jonathan_h: does Blake need admin prives in JIRA to create filters?
[13:47:40 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> 1632 confuses me too. In that I don't see how a link can break keyboard movement seeing as there are plenty links inside the portlets that can be moved with the keyboard
[13:48:08 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> AHA!!!
[13:48:10 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> man
[13:48:12 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: there is a typo in the example.... hold on
[13:48:17 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jessm: I don't think so... I believe you need it to share filters though
[13:48:19 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> did you just see it too!
[13:48:20 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> oh, just figured it out!
[13:48:22 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> my brain hurst
[13:48:29 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> wrong arrow keys!
[13:48:29 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> it's the orientation
[13:48:33 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> YUP!
[13:48:36 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> try up and down keys and it works
[13:48:37 EDT(-0400)] * lessthanzero (n=lessthan@CPE001ff342457c-CM001ac352aefc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[13:48:37 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> (smile)
[13:48:43 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> no there is another problem too!
[13:48:45 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> damn, thats REDICULLOSO
[13:48:53 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> yeah, a var typo?
[13:48:56 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> k
[13:48:59 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> yep!
[13:49:06 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jacobfarber: the up/down works in Opera on the mac
[13:49:06 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> var typo
[13:49:07 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> I sw it too
[13:49:23 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> up and down works across the board - but its the wrong orientation!
[13:49:34 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> soooooo crazy!
[13:49:44 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> so you don't actually need to change the markup
[13:49:49 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> or css
[13:49:50 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> nope!
[13:49:58 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> cool! should be a tiny patch
[13:50:03 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> I was just kidding this whole time (tongue)
[13:50:13 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> just testing everyone, s'all
[13:50:21 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> (tongue)
[13:50:44 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> ok, so we need to set the orientation?
[13:50:47 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> in the options?
[13:51:02 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> ya
[13:51:07 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I think AC has it documented
[13:51:13 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> let me know if you can't find it
[13:51:29 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> ok
[13:51:39 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> thanks ecochran et al!
[13:51:54 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: we still need some styl'n
[13:51:55 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> !
[13:52:06 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: and "you're welcome!"
[13:52:07 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> on the tabs?
[13:52:19 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> when they are selected
[13:52:40 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> oh, right!
[13:54:44 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> who defines fluid.orientation?
[13:54:58 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> found it
[13:55:53 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> we need to use direction: $.a11y.orientation.HORIZONTAL
[13:56:19 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> nope that didn't work
[13:57:16 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/ListLayoutHandler+API+-+v0.4
[13:57:22 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> but this doesnt seem to work....
[13:57:43 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> im using something like
[13:57:44 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> selectors : {
[13:57:44 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> movables : 'li'
[13:57:44 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> },
[13:57:44 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> orientation : {
[13:57:44 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> fluid.orientation.HORIZONTAL
[13:57:46 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> }
[13:58:04 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> but im doing something wrong.....
[13:58:14 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I don't think it should be in an object
[13:58:26 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> oh
[13:58:35 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> orientations: fuid.orientation.HORIZONTAL
[13:58:49 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> oops, lost the 'l' in fluid
[13:58:57 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> success!
[13:59:04 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> yay!
[13:59:13 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> var reorder_example_b = fluid.reorderList('#myTabs', {
[13:59:13 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> selectors : {
[13:59:13 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> movables : 'li'
[13:59:14 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> },
[13:59:14 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> orientation: fluid.orientation.HORIZONTAL
[13:59:14 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> });
[13:59:16 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> "fuid" is web 3.0 framework
[13:59:24 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> yep works for me too!
[13:59:34 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> hooray for hollywood
[13:59:47 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> we're so cool!
[13:59:48 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> can I commit it, or do you want to Eli?
[13:59:59 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> you go, it's your bug!
[14:00:11 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> credit where credit is due!
[14:00:18 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> um, yippee?
[14:00:23 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> maybe ecochran and sign off on the review?
[14:00:24 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> um?
[14:00:37 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> happy to, after the commit
[14:00:43 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> success in fixing it, but I neglected to get it to work in the first place (tongue)
[14:01:13 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> michelled: do we actually "sign-off" on the reviews... comment in JIRA that kind of thing... if so I have to go comment on your earlier fix.
[14:02:18 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> ya, a comment on the JIRA helps us track
[14:02:53 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I think Justin doesn't close them until they've been reviewed
[14:02:59 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelled, ecochran, jacobfarber: nice work taking care of this blocker
[14:03:06 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> michelled: on it!
[14:03:08 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> and yes i don't
[14:04:40 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: let me know when you've done the commit
[14:08:59 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: what do you think of:
[14:09:00 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> <style type="text/css">
[14:09:00 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> .orderable-dragging {
[14:09:01 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> outline: 2px solid blue;
[14:09:01 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> display: block;
[14:09:01 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> }
[14:09:02 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> </style>
[14:09:55 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> ignore the display:block, complete unnecessary in the example... just me being superstitious
[14:12:40 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> hey ecochran, did the commit for FLUID-1632
[14:12:46 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> pls have a look
[14:13:09 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> whats the code ^ for?
[14:20:28 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> anyone know how to force svn to get a file that I deleted in the file system?
[14:24:28 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: the only problem that I see with the code is that you have tabs where there should be spaces
[14:24:35 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> on line 37
[14:25:49 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: the code was suggested styling for the dragging state for the element
[14:25:57 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> what is there is fine!
[14:27:44 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> about the tabs - my copy of aptana doesnt seem to respect my settings.....im not sure how to get it to behave nicely...
[14:28:14 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I have the same problem of my settings reverting whenever I change projects.
[14:28:26 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> jacobfarber, ecochran: when you guys are finished could you please mark 1632 and 1633 as resolved... thanks
[14:28:33 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I have to keep going back and giving it a good kick
[14:28:47 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> 1633 is resolved....
[14:29:07 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> don't mean to bud in but, anyone feel like playing "what would fluid's svn do?" (I have some svn questions. I'm outlining a restructure of VULab repo)
[14:29:40 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> im game, though I know very little about svn proper
[14:29:42 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: I can fix the tabs and check in, or would you like too
[14:30:00 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> pls do - nothing I do here seems to work in that respect
[14:30:02 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> jacobfarber: if this is a bad time (I'm told it was), its ok. (smile)
[14:30:06 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> it always statys a tab (sad)
[14:30:20 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> lessthanzero: michelled just went off line.. i think she'll be back in a couple of hours ... if jacobfarber and ecochran can't help you then you may want to check back in then
[14:30:30 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> ok, well..
[14:30:54 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> lessthanzero i just dont know much about svn, although I learnt a fair bit about externals in Tortoise SVN
[14:31:13 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> jacobfarber: well, my questions are just about structuring, nothing too complicated.
[14:31:33 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> basically, VULab project has 2 sections VULab Web and RASCAL (the remote video recording tool)
[14:31:35 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> so I figured to start
[14:31:55 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> Root - /VULab/WEB and /VUlab/RASCAL
[14:32:00 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> each having tags/branches/trunk
[14:32:27 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> now, I want to maintain a UI only version of the web component, for testing and independant development. so I'm figuring
[14:32:30 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: I have checked in my formatting change... would you do a quick review and then we can both sign off on FLUID-1632
[14:32:40 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> VULab/WEB/branches/VULabUI
[14:32:50 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> (big grin)
[14:32:54 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> I am going to bother you guys later.
[14:32:59 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> your knee deep in this release.
[14:33:08 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> (tongue)
[14:33:09 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> I have some documentation I can read over.
[14:33:14 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> lessthanzero: i think they are just about done
[14:33:20 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> Justin_o: congrats!
[14:33:21 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> (smile)
[14:33:26 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> ok, ok, maybe just one question.
[14:33:45 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> can you merge 2 branches? and it will like... just work?
[14:33:57 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> patch the two branches together and it will merge into one cohesive site?
[14:34:29 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> WEB/branches/VULabUI will be a nullified version of the system, basically just screenflow w/out alot of the goodness of the system.
[14:34:34 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> thats my only question.
[14:34:35 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> heh
[14:35:04 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: maybe you know the answer to lessthanzero's question
[14:35:10 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> ecochran: sure thing
[14:35:17 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: please add your comments for FLUID-1633 to FLUID-1632 and Resolve
[14:35:40 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> lessthanzero and Justin_o: let me review
[14:35:50 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> ecochran: A+
[14:36:51 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> lessthanzero: I'm a little confused what is in the UI branch that wouldn't be in the main branch
[14:37:45 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> ecochran: well, the UI branch would let me get comments (and checkout versions of) the Interface for the project alone. So, that could develop on its own outside of the main components.
[14:37:54 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> to be merged with the others for releases.
[14:37:55 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> ecochran: formatting all nice and clean now...
[14:38:03 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> lessthanzero: hmm....
[14:38:07 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> resolving 1632 and 1633
[14:38:33 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> ecochran: We have 2 things to test. The use of the site, and the UI of the site. and I wouldn't mind to separate them, but not sure how.
[14:39:20 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> lessthanzero: I don't think that you want branches, you want two different projects... and then use externals to let one project reference (and pull in files) from the other
[14:39:38 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> lessthanzero: but I'm not an svn expert either and I may be leading you down the garden path
[14:40:06 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> ecochran: I'm going to see if anyone tosses a hand over at #svn
[14:40:16 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> I'll come back here in abit.
[14:40:23 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> just wanted a quick "no thats stupid" or "do this" response.
[14:40:28 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> anything more can wait.
[14:41:19 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> lessthanzero: OK, if you want an example of externals you can look at the Uploader2 project that Colin and I are coding on. We use the externals file to pull in the main Fluid repo so we can reference those files:
[14:41:20 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> fluid-components https://source.fluidproject.org/svn/fluid/components/trunk/src/webapp/fluid-components/
[14:41:20 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> images/progress https://source.fluidproject.org/svn/fluid/components/trunk/src/webapp/fluid-components/images/progress/
[14:41:20 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> images/uploader https://source.fluidproject.org/svn/fluid/components/trunk/src/webapp/fluid-components/images/uploader/
[14:41:21 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> tests/jqunit https://source.fluidproject.org/svn/fluid/components/trunk/src/webapp/tests/jqUnit/
[14:41:27 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> good luck
[14:41:36 EDT(-0400)] <lessthanzero> ecochran: hot damn, thanks (smile)
[14:41:48 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: good work
[14:44:07 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> jacobfarber: You should add a comment to FLUID-1632 saying that you did a code review for my small commit. Sorry for the paper work... making Justin_o happy... he's such a slave driver!
[14:44:26 EDT(-0400)] <jacobfarber> lol!
[14:45:06 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: sorry I only get to be King 1 week out of the month (wink)
[14:46:26 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: you are king to me all month long! I bow down before you, who save us from looking like fools on a regular basis!
[14:47:24 EDT(-0400)] * jessm (n=Jess@c-76-19-199-61.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has left #fluid-work
[14:47:36 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: :| I don't even know what to say, but thanks
[14:47:49 EDT(-0400)] * jessm (n=Jess@c-76-19-199-61.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work
[14:48:37 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: just remembered something... for the sakai demo... you said that it worked for you sometimes and other times it didn'
[14:48:41 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> didn't
[14:48:48 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I guess what I'm saying without the hyperbole is that having QA makes our lives so much easier... I have been impressed with the speed at which you can find problems and the speed at which we can solve them with your insight
[14:49:01 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: yes, we've all seen it here at Berkeley
[14:49:14 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: you're too kind...thank you very much
[14:49:44 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Do you need some help (or research) to find a reproducible case?
[14:50:26 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> maybe... cause I'm at a lose as to what could be causing it... i noticed with one set it happened more often... or all the time... did you find anything like that
[14:51:12 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I'm a bit stumped too... I'll do some research
[14:51:51 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> thanks...
[14:52:22 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: are you still accepting delinting on FLUID-1604, GeometricManager.js is a mess, although that code scares me...
[14:52:42 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> hmm, maybe we should just call it a day on code clean up since we're so far into testing...
[14:52:43 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> thoughts?
[14:53:11 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> I believe delinting is okay... since it shouldn't affect the code
[14:53:32 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> I should say, shouldn't adversely affect the code
[14:55:02 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> oops sorry ecochran I just remembered something...
[14:55:10 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> Fluid-1604 is only for comments now
[14:55:32 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> you can only make changes to the code in regards to comments
[14:55:41 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> OK, wasn't clear on that...
[14:56:05 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> yes... sorry... i forgot about that too... i think michelle left a comment on the bug... i'll double check now
[14:56:16 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> she did
[14:56:19 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I didn't look
[14:56:40 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> yah.. it's sort of buried at the bottom eh...
[14:56:54 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I was just caught by the number of validation warnings that showed up in Aptana when I opened the file to look for orientation constants
[14:58:49 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> that sounds scary... as long as it isn't breaking anything yet, we may just want to hold off till after the release is cut
[15:01:19 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I agree, it doesn't break anything... it is stylistic mostly... but only because JS is such a lax language
[15:01:42 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I have some insight on the Sakai bug ... well, half and insight
[15:01:48 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> half an insight
[15:02:06 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> when it happens the Lightbox code is not getting run
[15:02:12 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> initialization doesn't happen
[15:02:19 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> but there are no errors or warnings
[15:02:31 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> conflict?
[15:02:44 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> it is as though the js on the page that instantiates the Lightbox never fires
[15:03:03 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I'm suspecting some kind of a race condition
[15:03:12 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I'm still poking
[15:03:14 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> sounds reasonable
[15:03:18 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> thank
[15:03:21 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> you
[15:04:06 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: ah, there is an error
[15:04:10 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> this is getting better
[15:04:56 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> you're getting close to the source
[15:17:37 EDT(-0400)] * michelled (n=michelle@CPE001310472ade-CM0011aefd3ca8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #fluid-work
[15:19:18 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> Justin_o: 1404 has not been fixed yet.
[15:19:36 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: I think that what is happening is the fluid.lightbox() is getting called before something it needs has been loaded, so it is a race condition... if the code is loaded then the function is successful and if it hasn't then it fails... but I'm not sure what it is that is late to the party
[15:19:48 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelled: thanks I'll change it to 0.6 beta
[15:20:00 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> and... I don't have a build of that code on my machine so I can't just start wacking on it to see what I can do
[15:20:45 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> that's very interesting... so it doesn't run off of our trunk?
[15:21:35 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> 1) it's Sakai code
[15:21:53 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> 2) I don't have an up-to-date Sakai build on my machine
[15:21:56 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> oh i see
[15:22:18 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> 'cause it takes two hours (at minimum) to set up a new Sakai and who's got the time
[15:22:18 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> right... still using your temp one right
[15:22:35 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> that's it
[15:23:04 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> it's not worth the hastle...
[15:23:08 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> are you guys talking about the issue Daphne brought up about the sakai demo?
[15:23:13 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> yep
[15:23:14 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> yes
[15:23:25 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> it is intermittent but real
[15:23:38 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> right
[15:23:39 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I have seen it on FF3 and Safari
[15:23:50 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> actually can get it to happen more than not now
[15:23:54 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelled: i have also seen it
[15:24:14 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> fluid.lightbox is not a function is the error
[15:24:37 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I wonder if the script is in a document.ready
[15:24:45 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> it is not
[15:24:48 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I can't remember and I also don't have sakai on this machine
[15:25:00 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> it's at the bottom of the page (not even bottom)
[15:25:02 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> ah, so it's proabably a simple fix we can do on monday
[15:25:09 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelled: could it have anything to do with the issue you and anastasia were looking into yesterday
[15:25:13 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> it wouldn't affect the release as the code is elsewhere
[15:25:22 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> yes, just wrap the whole thing in document.ready()
[15:25:34 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> who has that code handy and can test?
[15:25:42 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> nope, that had to do with uPortal importing jQuery's ui.selectable
[15:26:03 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> unfortunately, it's on both the shared machines in the Fluid room.
[15:26:09 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I'm holding Sakai at arms length these days like a week old fish
[15:26:13 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> but only Justin is in the Fluid room today
[15:26:21 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> ah
[15:26:30 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> lol
[15:26:40 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin, want to write some code?
[15:26:44 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: ^
[15:27:14 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> or should we wait for Monday?
[15:27:23 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I think we're good to wait.
[15:27:25 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> hmm... i would but javascript isn't code i know how to write (sad)
[15:27:38 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> i think we can wait to
[15:28:26 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> actually I could walk you through it... the hard part would be getting you to the right spot in the files and showing you how to redeploy Sakai... the fix is two lines of simple JS
[15:28:49 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> the rest is <shudder>
[15:28:50 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> ya, it may not be so simple. We haven't updated in a while
[15:28:52 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> never mind
[15:29:12 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I don't think that we want to go there... no updates!
[15:29:35 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> sakai, glarg, really needs to be made easier to work with! it's such a simple fix but I bet it's going to take us half of Monday to fix it.
[15:29:36 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> fix the script, redeploy, and cross our fingers
[15:29:40 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> i'm afraid of sakai
[15:30:02 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> as Yoda said, "You should be."
[15:30:13 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> (smile)
[15:30:46 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> (smile)
[15:30:54 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> michelled: the only tricky part will be whether we move the script to the head
[15:31:34 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I don't think that there should be a problem running a document.ready() script from inside the body but I've never done it
[15:31:45 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I have - it works fine
[15:31:51 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> as far as I could tell anyway
[15:32:10 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> then if this is the problem then it should be real easy!
[15:32:58 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> My concern is that the race condition may be a bit tricksy...
[15:33:07 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> we're loading a boat load of files
[15:33:21 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I wonder if the same bug would happen if we used FluidAll
[15:33:47 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> but let's not go there until we fail on the path that we have just discussed
[15:36:05 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> sounds like a good plan to me
[15:44:50 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o: what are the outstanding issues at this point?
[15:45:23 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: you mean blocker bugs?
[15:45:54 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> yes, and anything that I could work on this afternoon
[15:46:17 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> blockers are pretty much done with, unless you find something else
[15:46:23 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> cool
[15:46:34 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> you don't happen to have windows 2000
[15:46:35 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> do you
[15:46:49 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> no, nor OS 10.4, sadly
[15:47:02 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I saw that testing being outstanding
[15:47:28 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I can ask our IT guys if there is a machine around that I could sit on for an afternoon
[15:47:46 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> anyone know why this link is dead https://source.fluidproject.org/svn/sandbox/frameworkExamples/trunk/tests/ – in other words, what should it be pointing to?
[15:47:48 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> if that's possible that would be good
[15:48:59 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> jessm: where is it linked to from?
[15:49:02 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: pretty much all that is left is checking to see if some bugs occur in other configurations (the ones joseph vernuccio reported were only tested on a mac so far)
[15:49:15 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> michelled: http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Versioning+the+Fluid+Framework
[15:49:46 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> https://source.fluidproject.org/svn/sandbox/frameworkExamples/trunk/versioning/tests/
[15:49:58 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: and the win 2000 and tiger testing... i have a vm of win 2000 that i'll probably test on monday if it hasn't been tested yet
[15:50:17 EDT(-0400)] <jessm> michelled: thanks much – i'll change it on the wiki
[15:50:22 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> thanks!
[15:52:07 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> everyone, we haven't come up with a better strategy for docs so the API docs and tutorials will be cloned and versioned come Monday or Tuesday.
[15:52:58 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> I'm sure there are lots of bits that need updating - AC is awesome but it's a lot for one person.
[15:53:35 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> michelled: that's a good idea ecochran you can test/update the documentation instead of hunting for another machine
[15:53:36 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> if people do have a few moments I'm sure some eyes on the docs would be well appreciated.
[15:54:55 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> that sounds good... my Mac just came back to me... walked in the door under Kevin's arm... so I'm going to spend a little time getting re-aquanted (basically moving almost three weeks of work back to my machine)
[15:55:10 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> I'll look at docs after lunch ...
[15:55:12 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> yay! happy day
[15:55:21 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: that sounds like fun
[15:59:23 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> Justin_o, jacobfarber, michelled: today was fun! I love actually getting collaborate a little!
[15:59:34 EDT(-0400)] <ecochran> squash dem little buggies!
[15:59:40 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> ya, I enjoyed it too (smile)
[15:59:49 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> ecochran: i agree too... it was a lot of fun
[16:00:03 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> you all did a good job with the bug fixes too
[16:00:42 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> I'm leaving now though... see you all monday
[16:00:58 EDT(-0400)] <michelled> have a good weekend!
[16:01:05 EDT(-0400)] <Justin_o> thanks you too
[16:01:07 EDT(-0400)] * Justin_o (n=Justin@ has left #fluid-work
[17:25:00 EDT(-0400)] * jessm (n=Jess@c-76-19-199-61.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #fluid-work