OSDPL Post-test Questionnaire

Design Pattern Entry Form Questionnaire 

1)  How easy or difficult was it for you to find a design pattern on the site?

very difficult              difficult              neutral                 easy              very easy            N/A

2)  How helpful did you find the design patterns you looked at on the site?

very helpful                helpful            somewhat helpful        not very helpful    not at all helpful     N/A

3)  How helpful did you find the other information available on the site?

very helpful                helpful            somewhat helpful        not very helpful    not at all helpful     N/A

4)  How helpful did you find the left navigation of the site?

very helpful                helpful            somewhat helpful        not very helpful    not at all helpful     N/A

5)  How easy or difficult was it for you to discover how to create a design pattern?

very difficult              difficult              neutral                 easy              very easy            N/A

6)  How easy or difficult was it for you to create a design pattern in general?

very difficult              difficult              neutral                 easy              very easy            N/A

7)  Which version of the design pattern data entry form did you prefer?

Highly preferred        Slightly preferred         neutral           Slightly preferred   Highly preferred        N/A
     tabbed                   tabbed                                    single page          single page  

8)  How easy or difficult was it for you to upload an image?

very difficult              difficult              neutral                 easy              very easy            N/A

9) How easy or difficult was it for you to describe and/or list the source of an image?

very difficult              difficult              neutral                 easy              very easy            N/A

10) If you encountered an error, was it easy or difficult to understand the feedback given?

very difficult              difficult              neutral                 easy              very easy            N/A

11) After submitting a design pattern, how easy or difficult was it to find your pattern on the site? 

very difficult              difficult              neutral                 easy              very easy            N/A

12) After creating the design pattern, how easy or difficult was it to edit it? 

very difficult              difficult              neutral                 easy              very easy            N/A