Preferences for Global Access Development plan
Quick Summary
- Design and implement new learner preferences and features into Learner Options
- Connect Learner Options with the GPII preferences server in the cloud
- User interface components for editing metadata about OER content
- Standard formats for representing, sharing, and interoperating content metadata
- “Matchmaking”: preferences/content-aware search and browse
- Integrate 1-5 into OER Commons
Detailed Notes
A: Preferences in the Cloud
1. DESIGN + BUILD: learner preferences + learner options
- prioritize new features (specifically learning features) with the full team (ISKME + Floe)
- design leads new features with wireframes/user testing/iterating often (ISKME + Floe)
development begins to build (Floe)
2. INTEGRATION to the CLOUD: connect learner options to GPII infrastructure
- assumes a certain level of build and stability of both infrastructure and preferences
- requires work from server > development > design
- feedback from ISKME can include:
- privacy
- security
- learner-specific needs from the infrastructural end
B: Authoring + Metadata Tools
metadata here is required for the preferences in Task A to function as intended
1. DESIGN + BUILD: tools for editing and automatic generation metadata of content
- design leads with research/sketching/user testing/wireframes/iterating (ISKME + Floe)
- development begins to build
2. INTEGRATION (integration point for other metadata scheme out there):
- infrastructural scheme for connecting metadata
- APIs and communication with metadata folks
C: A+B=integration into learning spaces
1. preferences in the cloud, authoring metadata (matchmaker from GPII) with A+B
2. Integration into existing learning spaces
- preferences and metadata enables individualized search and browse in OER Commons (ISKME leads)
- designing what search and browse in OER Commons looks like (ISKME + Floe)
- development (ISKME leads)