Preferences for Global Access Development plan

Quick Summary

  1. Design and implement new learner preferences and features into Learner Options
  2. Connect Learner Options with the GPII preferences server in the cloud
  3. User interface components for editing metadata about OER content
  4. Standard formats for representing, sharing, and interoperating content metadata
  5. “Matchmaking”: preferences/content-aware search and browse
  6. Integrate 1-5 into OER Commons

Detailed Notes


A: Preferences in the Cloud

1. DESIGN + BUILD: learner preferences + learner options

  • prioritize new features (specifically learning features) with the full team (ISKME + Floe)
  • design leads new features with wireframes/user testing/iterating often (ISKME + Floe)
    development begins to build (Floe)

2. INTEGRATION to the CLOUD: connect learner options to GPII infrastructure

  • assumes a certain level of build and stability of both infrastructure and preferences
  • requires work from server > development > design
  • feedback from ISKME can include:
  • privacy
  • security
  • learner-specific needs from the infrastructural end


B: Authoring + Metadata Tools

metadata here is required for the preferences in Task A to function as intended

1. DESIGN + BUILD: tools for editing and automatic generation metadata of content

  • design leads with research/sketching/user testing/wireframes/iterating (ISKME + Floe)
  • development begins to build

2. INTEGRATION (integration point for other metadata scheme out there):

  • infrastructural scheme for connecting metadata
  • APIs and communication with metadata folks


C: A+B=integration into learning spaces

1. preferences in the cloud, authoring metadata (matchmaker from GPII) with A+B

2. Integration into existing learning spaces

  • preferences and metadata enables individualized search and browse in OER Commons (ISKME leads)
  • designing what search and browse in OER Commons looks like (ISKME + Floe)
  • development (ISKME leads)
