WorkIn Culture (WIC) Survey Planning

WorkIn Culture (WIC) Survey Planning

(warning) The following is work in progress

Table of Contents

Articulating goals of a survey

Initial goals - identify features of the job board and website that are:

  • working well → do more of these.
  • not working well → improve these.
  • missing or desired → implement these.
  • find out who is willing to join in co-design

Updated goals:

  • focus on the job board only (not other aspects of website or LMS)
  • find participants who are interested in co-designing the job board
  • get participants thinking about what they like/don't like about the job board

Participants: job-seekers


  • Identifying pain points and discovering functional needs and preferences will be done in co-design activities → no need to cover it on the survey
  • Survey should instead focus on assisting with recruiting participants and gathering information that will help plan those activities.

Possible Survey Questions

  1. Where in Canada are you located?
  2. Where in Canada would you be interested in finding employment in arts, culture, and creative jobs?
  3. Have you been interested in finding employment in the arts and culture sector?
    1. What sorts of jobs have you been interested in? (List jobs from arts, culture, and creative jobs)
  4. Do you use job boards? If so which ones have you used?
    1. If not, why don't you use job boards?
    2. If you use a job board - what do you like about it? What do you like about job boards over other methods of job seeking?
    3. If you don't use job boards, what alternatives have you found useful? (come up with a list with an other field)
  5. Have you used the work in culture job board in the past? How would you rate that experience?
    1. If not, what are your reasons? (choose options. i.e. I didn't know, prefer other sites, didn't like the site, etc.)
  6. Would you be interested in participating in a workshop to help improve the WIC job board?
    1. provide a way for them to provide contact info

Consider alternative to a survey


  1. For a survey to be useful, questions will need to be detailed in order to start uncovering gaps in functional needs. To do this well, it will require more time and resources. This includes having to prime respondents with enough detail to be able to respond to questions well (especially true for those who aren't internet job seekers or familiar with WIC / job boards).

  2. . A scaled down version of a survey might be useful to help find people who would be interested in participating in co-design workshops.

  3. If the scaled down survey’s purpose is to help identify people who would want to do the workshops, then it would be better to omit a survey altogether and send out a call for interest and the co-design registration form. This will help streamline the communication and process (for both administration and for participants), and help focus efforts toward the co-design. Co-design workshop registration form will have eligibility questions and demographic / personal interest questions to help ensure balance of perspectives at workshops.


  • save time and resources from having to create, administer, and analyse results of a survey
  • a co-design registration form will have to wait for REB clearance before opening (mid to late August).

Co-design Interest Form Questions

Eligibility questions:

  1. Do you live in Canada?
  2. Are you interested in arts and culture jobs?

Arts & Culture Job Interest questions:

  1. What jobs are you interested in? Choose from a list. (i.e. arts, culture, creative jobs)

Functional needs questions (optional):

  1. Have you ever felt your job seeking needs have not been met because of the following reasons? (Check all that apply)
    1. Language
    2. Race / culture
    3. Financial
    4. Geography
    5. Cognitive needs
    6. Gender identity
    7. Citizenship status
    8. Other: ______
    9. Prefer not to say
    10. My job seeking needs are currently being met


  1. Would you like to participate in co-design to help create ideas to make job seeking more inclusive and accessible? ___ Yes, ___ No
  2. If yes, please provide your contact information and your preferred method of contact.

Old Notes


Is it important to ask questions like this?

  • In the past how frequently did you visit and use the WorkIn Culture website?
  • What purpose did you use the website?
    • Find out about programs
    • Learn about areas of research
    • Resources for skill building
    • Possible employment on the Job Board
    • Career and skill training on the Discovery Board

Usability / Features

  • What areas of the website was easy or pleasing to use?
    • Searching for jobs
    • Applying for jobs
    • Navigating the website
    • Finding information you wanted
    • Colour, text, and layout
    • Accessibility - suitability to physical and mental needs and preferences.
    • ...
  • What areas of the website was difficult or challenging to use?
  • If you can choose one thing to make better on the website, what would it be?
    • Should we give options or leave this free-form?

Job Board

  • How easy or difficult is it to use the job board? - break this down into more granular issues.
    • i.e. how is the navigation? text / visuals? etc.
  • What features of the job board do you use?
    • Responses to this question aren't that important. It serves to help prime the respondent for the next question asking what features they'd like to see.
  • What other features do you wish the job board had?
  • What other sites do you go to for jobs?
  • What are the reasons for visiting the other sites?
    • See what else is out there
    • Easier to use
    • Looks better
    • Better features

Discovering Needs

  • Why don't you use job boards? What alternatives have you found useful?