March 21, 2017 - Social Justice Repair Kit Meeting Notes
“Learning” - applied / direct / community directed
Disenfranchised youth - community organising and activism → learning
Examples of informal learning environments?
Skate parks in Toronto → social learning, informal skills → planning, policy, negotiation, collaboration
A way of doing things (facilitation), not just tools
gather/create what? what exists, what doesn’t? Recall the citizen collaboration scenarios
How to access youth not through an organisation?
Engage by designing things
As an example
Tip of the iceberg
Invite others in
Take something specific (like TIG’s material) and make more generally useful
E.g. pdf’s
More inclusive ways of doing things?
A positive engagement - e.g. we’ve created resources to help describe docs etc
E.g. Web publishing tools for creating inclusive docs
Create resources in more general way
Potential “recipe” areas: publication tools & dissemination tools
Accessible publishing
E.g. word doc to ePub
A catalog of different recipes, to apply in different situations
As a starting point
To generate more ideas
We’re not fixing things for organisations/partners
Example - boat repair
Look up material
Use illustrations
How to plan a project
Example - pattern languages??
Pull together our resources
ILDH - overlap?
Link, relate, supersets, subsets