Inline Edit QA Test Plan - Dropdown

Inline Edit QA Test Plan - Dropdown

Inline Edit QA Test Plan - Dropdown


ChromeLatest Stable Release
FirefoxLatest Stable Release
MS EdgeLatest Stable Release
Safari [fluid:1]Latest Stable Release

[fluid:1] keyboard a11y can be slightly improved if you select the "all controls" option from "Keyboard Shortcuts" under the "Keyboard & Mouse" settings. May also need to use "option + tab" for tab navigation.

General QA Guidelines

General Use

  • Does the tool behave the way that you would expect
  • Are you surprised by anything
  • Does something take longer than you would expect
  • When the tool does something unexpected or takes too long to do something, does the tool provide appropriate feedback

QA Tests

Perform the following tests using each browser/system environment

Report issues at: http://issues.fluidproject.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa

Please search for issues before reporting them, so as to limit the number of duplicate entries.

Inline Edit Jira Filter

Unit Test

Launch the following website to execute unit tests.


State Tests

Ensures that the component properly traverses through the various states. 

Perform these tasks on the following site, perform the tests 1-6 and 7-12 in order.



Test 1: Mouseover

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. Using the mouse, place the pointer over one of the inline edit drop-down menus
  • Expected Results
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should be highlighted
    • The cursor should be a pointer (hand)
      After about 3 seconds, a hover message saying "Select or press Enter to edit" should appear

Test 2: Mouseover (Off/On)

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 1
    2. Move the pointer away from the inline edit drop-down menu
    3. Move the pointer back over the inline edit drop-down menu
  • Expected Results
    • The highlighting on the inline edit drop-down menu should be removed, when the pointer is removed
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should be highlighted when the pointer is placed over it again

Test 3: Mouse, Open Drop-down Menu

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 2
    2. Using the mouse, click on the inline edit drop-down menu
  • Expected Results
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should open
    • The cursor should be a pointer (hand)

Test 4: Mouse, Options

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 3
    2. Using the mouse, hover the pointer over the various options
  • Expected Results
    • An option should be highlighted, when the pointer is over top of it

Test 5: Mouse, Select Option

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 4
    2. Using the mouse, click one of the options
  • Expected Results
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should close
    • The inline edit drop-down menu value should be the option selected

Test 6: Mouseover, After Selection

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 5
    2. Using the mouse, hover over the inline edit drop-down menu
  • Expected Results
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should be highlighted
    • The option selected in Test 4, should be displayed
    • After about 3 seconds, a hover message saying "Select or press Enter to edit" should appear


Test 7: Keyboard, Focus

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the 'tab' key until focus is on one of the inline edit drop-down menus
  • Expected Results
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should be highlighted
    • After about 3 seconds, a hover message saying "Select enter to edit item" should appear

Test 8: Keyboard, Focus (Off/On)

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 7
    2. Tap the 'tab' key to move focus off of the inline edit drop-down menu
    3. Tap the 'tab' key again, until focus is back on the inline edit drop-down menu
  • Expected Results
    • The highlighting on the inline edit drop-down menu should be removed, when focus is removed
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should be highlighted when focus is regained

Test 9: Keyboard, Open Drop-down

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 8
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the 'enter' key
  • Expected Results
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should open

Test 10: Keyboard, Options

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 9
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the 'arrow' keys to scroll through the options
  • Expected Results
    • The arrow keys will move selection across the options

Test 11: Keyboard, Select Option

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 10
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the 'enter' to select an option
  • Expected Results
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should close
    • The inline edit drop-down menu value should be the option selected in Test 10

Test 12: Keyboard, Focus After Selection

  • Procedure
    1. Complete Test 11
    2. Using the keyboard, tap the 'tab' key until focus is on one of the inline edit drop-down menus
  • Expected Results
    • The inline edit drop-down menu should be highlighted
    • The inline edit drop-down menu value should be the option selected in Test 11
    • After about 3 seconds, a hover message saying "Select edit to enter item" should appear

Assistive Technology (AT)

Tests to ensure compatibility with Assistive Technologies.

Perform these tasks on the following site.


Test 1: AT Tests

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. Using the state tests as a guide, attempt to navigate through each state of the system
      1. Example ATs
        1. Screen Readers: JAWSNVDAVoiceOverOrca
        2. Built in AT features: WindowsMacLinuxiOSAndroid
        3. Others ATs: Speech Recognition, Screen Magnifiers, switch access, etc.
  • Expected Results
    • All states of the system should be reachable and usable while using the AT

Task Oriented Functional Tests

Ensures that the component is able to handle expected input.

Perform these tasks on the following site.


*no tests yet*

Boundary Tests

Ensures proper functionality at the input limits 

Perform these tasks on the following site.


*no tests yet*


Tests which should cause errors or not be accepted as input 

Perform these tasks on the following site.


Test 1: Type

  • Procedure
    1. Open the browser and navigate to the specified URL
    2. Using the mouse select the inline edit drop-down menu
    3. Using the keyboard, attempt type into the drop-down menu
  • Expected Results
    • The input should not be accepted, the drop-down menu should not be editable
  • Stop Test
    • Refresh the browser to return the page to its initial state