Creating pages and linking

The documentation below is an abbreviated version of our online documentation for creating pages and links in Confluence.

You may also find our online discussion of Page families useful.

One of the best aspects of using Confluence is rapid page creation based on linking.

There are two ways to create a new page. The first is to hit Add Page in the menu and the second is to simply link to a new page in an existing one.

Simply hit the 'edit' link and type in, wherever convenient

[my new page]

It will produce this: my new page.

The green cross symbol indicates that if you click on it you'll be given the option of creating a new page.

Pages have parents, just like anyone.

Pages themselves can have parents, and thus you can create 'page hierarchies' in Confluence. These are useful for showing logical connections between pages, as we have done for the Confluence Overview page and every other page in the demonstration space.

It's up to you what kind of meaning you want your page hierarchies to represent; a common use, of course, is similar to that of a 'Table of Contents' in a book; which presents a chapter with pages belonging to it.

Wikis differ to the classical notion of books, however, and it is appropriate to think in wider notions and experiment with how content can be presented in a useful way for a community of users.